
Monday, May 4, 2009

Special Delivery

I have to share a random act of kindness with you. A few days ago we were relaxing at home when our doorbell rang. Bob answered the door, to find our friend and neighbor Patty at the door with some ice cream. She had posted something on Facebook, a few days earlier about how good this ice cream was, and I commented that it would be nice to share some. She was kind enough to get a dish of it for us.
Her husband, Chip was driving her in this neat old car, so of course, I had to take a picture of it too!

Thanks Chip and Patty - it was delicious!

* I believe the ice cream was white chocolate strawberry cheesecake!

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Unknown said...

What a nice thing to do, was it special ice cream??? Cool car too!!

Sit A Spell said...

How very thoughtful! Hmm...I'm in that "special" icecream? We love getting ours from a local is sooo good!

Groomer Angie said...

How wonderful! What a sweet lady! Glad you enjoyed it!

Lara said...

How nice of your neighbour! And the car is really cool!

A Stone Gatherer said...

Ugh!!!! I can't relive the pain! The hurt and devastation are to deep! LOL!

Bonnie said...

That was such a sweet thing for them to do !!

Kayren said...

That was very sweet! Maybe if you comment about how nice it would be to go for a ride in that old car, you'd get a little spin around town! :) That's another thing I've noticed about Michigan...all the old antique cars. And everyone is getting them out of their winter storage now.

Mary said...


Love that old Chevy. My first husband had one almost identical to it. Those old cars had style. Not like the boxes they make today. :-)

The ice cream looks delicious.

Have a wonderful day, my friend.

Brooke said...

you're blessed to have such an amazing friend. :)

All My Blessings said...

That was very nice of her to bring you ice cream. Did you say something about sharing? Kae

Rebekah said...

How sweet! cool car

Anonymous said...

WOW! I must remember to "mention" things I would like to enjoy with friends too. HA HA
What a nice treat. I think this would be good to do for a neighbor friend of mine...hmmm, I wonder if she would like to have some tea? Thanks for the inspriation!

Anonymous said...

How nice!!! Hope you enjoyed.

Linda said...

Now that was nice! It sounds like you are blessed with great neighbors!

kari and kijsa said...

Now that is one wonderful friend (and a great car too!)
kari & kijsa

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Oh, Mari! I love this post, because it truly is th elittle things that matter, the gift of friendship of sharing one of lifes simple pleasures that is priceless. Thanks for sharing this and filling my spirit!

Brenda said...

So very thoughtful, even a small thing like that. That's what make the difference in people's lives. There still is goodness all around us no matter what anyone else says!

Sandra said...

That's so sweet of your neighbor....what kind of ice cream is it?

A Joyful Chaos said...

Good neighbors are such a blessing!

Unknown said...

I got some Root beer and ice cream today so I'm going to make some floats , real yummy . Your icecream looks so good , that was so nice of them .