
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ready for Spring!

Last week's weather was one for the books!  I know some of you in Georgia, Florida and Texas also got snow! Here in Michigan, I'm not a fan of snow and cold but we are pretty used to it.  But last week it was sooo cold, and the snow didn't stop.
Almost all schools in West Michigan were closed Mon-Thursday.  Even the University in our town was closed on Tues and Wednesday.  Our temps got to -5 degrees F and the wind chill was at -25 degrees.
We were getting snow all week, but from Wed to Thurs, we got a foot of snow in one night.  I was very thankful to be retired and not have to worry about driving.  We stayed in all week until Friday.

Here's some pictures I took throughout the week.

Our side yard

Looking into the back yard

My sister had to go in to work, her husband drove her and she took this picture to show me what the roads looked like.

Frost built up on our windows

Here's Bob snowblowing again.  He's clearing the path that goes to his wood shop.

And here's a satellite picture of Michigan that was taken last week.
It makes me cold to look at it!

I'm thankful I have a warm house and that I can stay in it.  And - I'll be so happy to see Spring arrive!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! Wow, that is a lot of snow and bitter cold weather. So glad you could stay inside warm and cozy. I am looking forward to spring too!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That first photo is gorgeous.

Imagine how 100 years+ ago the people managed during those snows. Their homes were not as weather proofed as modern homes are today. I think of that a lot - how our ancestors handled the weather extremes with so much less. God bless them!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The frost is beautiful, but the streets don't look safe. How are they about plowing them there? You retired at just the right time! And I thought it was awfully cold when it got down to 0 here!

Susan said...

The snow looks so pretty! I am freezing when it is in the 50's! I am glad you are retired too!

roentare said...

That is a stellar amount of snow

Prims By The Water said...

We got 5 inches, but not as much as you. Did have colder temps that reached -12 with wind chill. The Western side of our state always gets more snow it seems. Am glad for the most part to live on the Eastern side. I did have to drive in it while it was snowing and not fun anymore. Janice

R's Rue said...

It’s beautiful.

Linda said...

Y'all keep that snow, good grief, Mari, that is a lot. And I do not miss it, thought I would, but I don't. We are back to the high 70's this week and I am so glad. We didn't get snow here in Central Florida, thankfully. It just as been bitter cold.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yikes on the satellite picture... its 55 here right now and I am still in my flannel gown and socks on my feet. now I can see why when winter comes, our town is full of winter residents from Michigan and Wisconsin, New York and Pennsylvania.

Catherine said...

So much snow! Here so much rain ! And another storm. We are also staying inside, but we managed to go safely to Rouen to visit our daughter yesterday. I have to go out tomorrow but scared of the trees as I have to drive on a road bordered by trees. Many trees have been falling. Stay safe.

Shug said...

Wow...the picture of Bob making an open pathway really shows the depth of the snow. this is a LOT of the white fluffy stuff. I can't imagine having that much snow and this low temps. Glad you all were able to stay inside and just watch it....not having to get out in it. Keep the fire going and stay warm...Gorgeous them.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I remember those days from when we lived in the Chicago area. Ugh! It's fun when the excitement builds and the first fluffy flakes float down, but in my opinion it's just a headache after that! Plus I just do not like the cold. BUT as you say: soon it will be spring! Yay! I'm already eyeing my bunny rabbit collection, eager to get them out and put them on display. xoxo

Dianna said...

Wow...seeing that picture of Bob snow blowing his path to his wood shop really puts things into perspective. And a foot of snow over night! Oh, my goodness! My favorite picture was the one you posted of the frost on the windows. The formations are each different and so beautiful.

Sparky said...

Yipes on the snow pics! I'm glad you don't have to drive in it either. You're tougher than me. Y'all can keep it. Our 5 inches here in SE Georgia is slowly melting but now it's all slush and mud. Hope that's the last of it for awhile.
Y'all be safe. Blessings. 😇

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Isn't it the best when you don't have to go out with the weather is like that?!? Retired life perks!! You folks sure did get a ton! We got a little more but probably only have about 6-7 inches total. I hope you get a break now. It sure is pretty!! xo

Kim said...

Oh boy, winter has really settled in! We've been dealing with some similar weather. The temps have been brutal and we had several inches of snow one day, but thankfully that was it. I'm looking forward to spring as well...counting down!!

photowannabe said...

Oh my...Brrr...I sure wouldn't like to drive under those conditions.
Great pictures and I am enjoying them from our Sunshine day today in CA.
I don't blame you for wanting Spring to come.

acorn hollow said...

We got the crazy cold minus 12 for days. But we did not get that amount of snow. We got a few inches here in NH.

Terri D said...

Mari, I am so glad you don't have to get out in that mess to drive to work!! I've been in Florida for so long I can't even imagine having to deal with that snow and cold. Stay safe and warm!! I do love your photos, though!!

HappyK said...

We've been having the same weather. It is pretty though and I like snow.

16 blessings'mom said...

Mari, I must say, this is a proper winter. We have had snow on the ground for weeks, today was sunny and over the freezing mark, but windy so it still felt bitter. The temps are dropping again, more lake effect snow for the week. I enjoy the cozy evenings, the candles and the pups and the kitty on the arm of my chair purring, and making soups and stews, baking the cookies. But. I am also ready for spring, for the feeling of sun on my skin. Your pictures are beautiful though, I think snow is lovely. :)

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow.
It looks so pretty when it's fresh and clean.

Chatty Crone said...

I am shocked - I had no idea you had that much snow. I love to look at it - BUT I would not want to be in it. I think an inch in GA is my speed. Mari, I am not kidding - that was a lot of snow - I loved it, but not to be in it!

Judy said...

Wow, beautiful photos but that is a lot of snow. We haven't had hardly any snow this winter, we sure do need the moisture here.

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness! So much snow!
Roll-on Spring ...

All the best Jan

Jeanette said...

You did get a lot of snow! We luckily were on the cruise and missed the extreme cold weather but I did worry about everything at our house freezing!