
Monday, April 15, 2024

Cloudy Days

We've had some cloudy, rainy days lately, and although I love a blue sky, a dark cloudy sky has a dramatic beauty.
Here's a few pictures I took on those cloudy days as I drove home.

By his hand the heaven is covered with clouds and rain is stored up for the earth; he makes the grass tall on the mountains.


The Happy Whisk said...

Very nice. I love a dark and stormy day.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The last is my favorite with the birds.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The distant rain over the field is gorgeous! But my heart is with the birds. Great bible verse for this post.

roentare said...

The cloud formations are stunning

Jeanette said...

Love dramatic sky pictures!

Catherine said...

Beautiful skies. I love cloud pictures so nice.

HappyK said...

Oh yes, I like those skies too. We've had our share also.

Sparky said...

Dark days have their purpose too. Very nice cloud photos.

Susan said...

Great cloud shots! We do need the rain, but we need the SON, even more!

Cloudia said...

Those are good ones! Nicely arranged too. Aloha

Terri D said...

Amazing clouds and great photos, Mari!! The clouds do look full of rain. Pop one with a pin, like a water balloon!!

acorn hollow said...

Very dramatic for sure.

Debi said...

Beautiful photos!

Buttercup said...

All great pictures, but the last one is spectacular.

Prims By The Water said...

Clouds can be an amazing view at times. Rain and storms on tap today. Looks like I will be driving to work right in it. UGH Janice

Dianna said...

Sorry that I missed stopping by yesterday. I love to watch the clouds. Your pictures are absolutely stunning...and my favorite is the last one.

Jenny the Pirate said...

These are fabulous! The way you can see the torrential rain in the distance! Fascinating. I love clouds. xoxo

Judy said...

I love these photos and the second one you really could frame it. I love the farm in the photo. Very nice photos.

Kim said...

Just beautiful!! I think you should open an Etsy shop and sell these!