
Monday, April 22, 2024

Art Show!

Last week we got to go to an art show.  It was put on by the Hudsonville School District and included pieces by kids from kindergarten to 12th grade.  This is a large district and includes several elementary schools, several middle schools and the high school.  The art teachers select art pieces to be put in it, and one of the artists was our Ruby!

They gather the pieces and put them on display in the town hall.  They assign different days for the schools, so the kids can invite people to see their work.  It's always a fun thing to go to.

Each artist gets a name tag to wear.

The room is filled with art!

There's such a variety; pottery, paintings, ink drawings, digital media, yarn and wire creations...  Lots of talent!  These were done by middle schoolers.

A frog tic tac toe piece done by a 7th grader.

A drawing done by a kindergartener.  So cute!

A high schoolers painting.

3-D art, I'm not sure of the age of the artist

A 7th graders ink drawing of snails

A ceramic sculpture by a 10th grader

An acrylic painting by a 10th grader

This painting was done by an 11th grade student.  I never thought possums could be so cute!

Speaking of cute - this snowy scene was created by Hendrik who is in first grade. His mom is Sara, one of my friends from work. I think he did a great job!

And here's our Ruby!  She's in 3rd grade and painted this stained glass window.

We had fun and Ruby was proud to have her piece of art shown.  It's pretty incredible to see what some of these kids do.  As we walked out, Laura said something about feeling like her talent is at kindergarten level after being there.  I'm thankful God gives all of us different talents, but I do wish I had just a little ability to draw!


The Happy Whisk said...

Go Ruby! What fun to see all this art the kids created. The leapfrog was too cute. Really a fun show and I love that art is getting attention. Love that! Cheers, lvy

My Shasta Home said...

I have always enjoyed children’s art! When looking at the next grade up for my sons, on back to school night I would visit the possible teachers and the art they had in their rooms, always swayed me in requesting them for the next school year.
You tell Rudy she did a great job! I sure couldn’t do a stained glass portrait like she did. She obviously deserved to be there!
Many talented young people!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love going to kid's art shows. Ruby's window is beautiful. So symmetrical, with lovely colors and design. She should be very proud of it. Some of these look like they were done by adult artists! The possum, acrylic face and snails. And how inventive to make a frog tic-tac-toe! It's so cute.

roentare said...

The snail ink drawing is so fabulous

Jeanette said...

Amazing talent from these kids! Congratulations to Ruby!

Jean said...

I love things like this. A few years ago I enjoyed going to one in Sammy's school district. I think he had entered three things. Bianca is very artistic and does amazing drawings.

Judy said...

Oh my goodness, every art piece is so amazing. Congratulations Ruby you did a beautiful job on yours.

R's Rue said...

So beautiful.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Great job Ruby! ;) Her painting was beautiful! Of course, stained glass is my favorite. 😊
Boy there are some very talented young people there. I'm with you...I wish I had more creative abilities. But I guess we all have our gifts to give. Lol I think mine is enjoying food. 😂

Catherine said...

It is beautiful and Ruby’s stained glass so nice ! Congratulations to her.

Terri D said...

Congratulations to Ruby!! I love her painting and that smile!! The student gallery at the museum where I worked was my favorite! The kids have great talent and have no fear of expressing themselves. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Prims By The Water said...

WOW such talented students. These pieces are amazing and Ruby's stained glass is great as well. Kudos to all. Janice

Jenny the Pirate said...

Of course Ruby wins in my heart, no matter what she does. Her painting is very beautiful, though! Amazing talent. Henrik's piece is darling too, and I guess if I were buying one? It would be the possum. I have a weakness for possums, hahaha xoxo

acorn hollow said...

How absolutely wonderful! And the joy on her sweet face is priceless.
I love Children's art they have none of the self-doubt that adults grow into.

Dianna said...

That is so wonderful that this is done. Ruby did a great job on the stained glass window.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow! Some very talented kids.

Kim said...

That's so awesome that you're close enough to attend Ruby's school activities. My mom used to come and I know it meant the world to my girls. Kids are so talented, aren't they? I always marvel and what they create!

Mandy said...

Oh wow, what incredible talent! I know you all look forward to going to that each year! Ruby's stained glass window is just beautiful, and little Hendrik's piece reminds me of the children's book The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keates! I'm so glad you took so many pictures! I feel like I got to visit the art show, too!

Lowcarb team member said...

So nice to see all of this art and Ruby did a fantastic job on the stained glass window :)

All the best Jan

My Tata's Cottage said...

Ruby is quite talented. Love art and especially this type of art. SO much talent. I know you enjoyed going. Great posts here and you are always sharing the best of times. Take care and enjoy the week ahead of you.