
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Storms and Swings!

 We had a huge storm come through our area last week.  We knew there was a potential for bad weather, and during the evening it got extremely windy.  It sounded terrible and was bad enough that we checked outside, checked the weather stations and got out emergency lights in case the power went out. About 2:30 am I was wakened to lights blinking off and on, and a lot of beeping from electronics.  The power was blinking off and on and probably surging as well.  I got up and unplugged several things before it went completely out.
The next moning, there was still no power, so I took hairspray, flat iron, some makeup, toothbrush and toothpaste to work!  I was thankful that I had showered the evening before!

When I got outside, I was shocked by all the branches all over our yard.

There weren't large branches down, but our whole yard looked like this.
I was happy to get a phone call shortly before I came home telling me the power was back on.  My sister who lives around the corner from me had to wait 3 days.

I did have another surprise when I got home though.  It was not very light when I left in the morning and I missed this!

Right across the street from us, 2 large branches in the beech tree were down, blocking the whole driveway to a barn.  Thankfully, that barn is just used for storage so no one had to come or go.  We were glad no houses or people were injured.

Another thing that happened last week was Andrew and Heather coming over with Cassie.  Bob had put up the baby swing on our swing set, so they brought her over for her first swing ride.

She seemed to like it - she was smiling and her feet were going!

We tried another photo session, hoping that since Andrew and Heather were there, she would smile for the camera.

Isn't this sweet?  This wasn't posed, Andrew was just trying to get her sitting and I snapped it.

Unfortunately, she was so busy looking around, that once again we got no smiles.  But I thought this one was pretty cute!


Susan said...

Your grand daughter is so cute!!!! Love that picture of her looking at her dad. Glad you were okay from the storm! Have a great week Mari!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a gorgeous, stunning smile!! She will be having so much fun in this swing. I am glad that your home remained safe!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

That looks like it was quite a storm. Glad everything is OK and your power is back on. Darling pictures of Cassie. Hope you have a great week.

Catherine said...

The weather is bad everywhere.
I remember when we went to Japan in 2019 we had a typhoon and flooding everywhere, we are not used to such weather here and our children were scared for us when they saw the news on tv. It is very scary!
You granddaughter is very cute. Nice pictures.
I hope the weather will be better for you this week.

Hootin Anni said...

I don't like seeing so much damage from storms ... Hope clean-up was minimal in your yard. 3 days without power is not fun.

LOVE little Cassie!!

Sparky said...

Goodness, that was quite a storm. That looks like the aftermath of some of our smaller hurricanes here in the South. I hope no one was injured and everything was an easy fix.
Cassie so adorable. She has the cutest face. Bless her.
And blessings to y'all too. xx

R's Rue said...

Cassie is so cute.

Changes in the wind said...

So sorry for all the storm damage, it can be bad. Cassie is just adorable and loved her little feet wiggling.

Linda said...

Goodness, she is adorable, Mari. As for the storms, we have had thundering and lightening, but no to little rain. Hope you have a beautiful week. smiles

Arlene G said...

Glad there was no major damage from the storm Mari. That Cassie is just adorable. I had a hard time getting Margaret and Audrey to look at the camera. Now Kendall was all about posing.:)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Good you woke up, when it was surging, and unpluged major things!

Glad you got power back, and not much trouble at your house.

Adorable pics, smiles and just baby curiosity.

🍂 🍁 🌻 🌰 🌻 🍁 🍂

terri said...

That picture of her and Andrew is absolutely adorable.

Doris said...

Smiles or no, that baby is adorable!!
Wow, that was a wicked storm! We've have a few thunderstorms but no wind which I'm always thankful for.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Aww, she's adorable. Aren't they cute when their feet dance around like that in a swing?

Terri D said...

Cassie is adorable and that picture with her daddy is definitely a keeper!! That was quite a storm! Praise God no one was hurt and no homes were damaged. Wow! Have a blessed week!! xo

Jean said...

So many crazy storms this summer! Right now it is absolutely pouring outside, but no storm at this point.

That picture of Andrew and Cassie is absolutely precious!

Kim said...

She's a doll and that picture of the two of them is pure magic!

Debi said...

Wow... that was quite a storm. So glad you came through it ok with minimal damage. At one time we had two baby swings on our swing set (Irish twins 13 months apart!) and they were well used! We still have swings and they are still used... our thirteen year old niece spent a good portion of 4th of July swinging. Cassie is growing so fast and she is just adorable. Those smiles will come, Gram! Have a great week!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Oh my word - scary storm time for sure!! Thankful there wasn't any serious damage and no one hurt. Mother Nature sure has been no joke all around the world lately. Yikes!
Love the Cassie pics!! She is just such a dolly. And her smile is like the whole sun is out. Thanks for sharing her. 😊 ☀️ 💝

Jenny the Pirate said...

That sounds like the kind of storm we woke up to on the day of Mom's funeral. So scary. Thank goodness there was no damage to your house. Cassssiieeeeee! Love that kid. What a dollbaby! xoxo