
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Friday Funny


Terri D said...

Love this!! I'll have to try it when we have our beach weekend in June!

Judy said...

That’s it in a

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

So true "neighbor"! Spring in the northwoods for sure xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh, John has got to see this! lol

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

I think we all wonder if the real spring is ever going to get here! Too funny!

Linda said...

HA, NOT!(giggling) Snowing here, sigh....

Arlene G said...

As Rhoda once said on Mary Tyler Moore show....I love the White Christmases it's the White Eadters I could do without.

Patsy said...

I know how you feel.

Michelle said...

That is spot on!

Jenny said...

Hilarious. I shivered all day yesterday -- in South Carolina! xoxo

Henny Penny said...

I might try that, if spring ever gets here and stays! :)

Kim said...

Yup! So funny and yet, not at all. I shared your post a few weeks ago about winter coming back in and saying "and another thing" on Facebook and a lot of people laughed along. Happy Snowless Weekend. I hope!

Karen said...

Sadly, so true!

Hootin Anni said...

lol...lived many years like this Spring!!

Dianna said...

lol, the weather around here is certainly different...

Cherdecor said...

That is the best cartoon yet!