
Monday, April 7, 2014

Tip for Tuesday

I've got a few banana tips to share with you today.  I don't know about you, but I tend to often buy more bananas than we eat, and before you know it, they're turning brown and no one wants them
When they're good and ripe, they're perfect to bake with, but usually I have one or two, and not enough time to bake right then.  If this happens to you, throw them in the freezer, peel and all.  When you have enough to bake with take them out.  (They'll look brown and unappetizing, as you can see in my picture)  You can microwave them for a minute, just enough so you can peel them.  You won't have to mash them, just pop the peeled banana in your bowl and you're ready to go.
Tip 2 - I learned this from Heather's boyfriend.  I always opened my bananas from the top by the stem.  He said to try opening it from the bottom.  It's so much easier!  Try it for yourself!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Great tips! I have heard about freezing bananas but have never tried it. Now, I think I will! Thank you for sharing.

Betsy Brock said...

I baked with some very ripe bananas today!

Jennifer Hays said...

Those are good tips. Thank you for sharing. My kids eat sooo much fruit, I hardly ever have any bananas left for bread and I often wish i did!

Sweet Tea said...

I always have a stash of frozen bananas in the freezer. I use them for baking Banana bread. They look like "poo" after they've been in the freezer for a while but the Bread is sooooo yummy and I like the idea of having no waste.

Beth Cotell said...

I love to freeze bananas but I've never had any success opening from the bottom. Although my daughter tells me that's how the monkeys do it!

Judy said...

I have the same problem I buy too many and they turn brown before we can eat them all. Thanks for the tip I will definitely do this.

Anonymous said...

These are great tips. There is nothing better than banana bread!

Sola Scriptura said...

I had read that opening a banana from the bottom up will eliminate all of those awful strings, and this is the way monkey peel bananas! Of course every time I eat a banana I forget about that trick!

Connie said...

I freeze them too. All that talk about banana bread makes me hungry. I'm lookin for old bananas.

Connie said...

I freeze them too. All that talk about banana bread makes me hungry. I'm lookin for old bananas.

Linda said...

MARI! Are you listening in our conversations at home? (giggles)--my husband said this very thing to our son last night.(about peeling it from the bottom)

I am going to have to make bread with ours..usually they get eaten up, not this time. Blessings

CAROLDEE said...

Yes and I do that but not with the peels on. I unpeel them and put them in a ziploc and use them frozen for smoothies, works so good, Saves room in the freezer. :-)

Unknown said...

I do the very same too many and end up throwing one or 2 away. Thanks for the tip and I will definitely do that.

Terri D said...

We always throw one or two away. Joe likes them and I don't. Never thought of freezing them!!! I DO like banana bread. Thanks for the tip!

Ceil said...

Hi Mari! I eat a banana several times a week, so I'll try the 'from the bottom' peeling. Sounds interesting!

I can have some get overripe, and I do like to make banana bread. But I didn't know I could freeze them. That way, I can bake when I want, not when I see the bananas going south.


Brooke said...

i freeze bananas for smoothies, but always remove the peel. who knew the peel could go in too?? (you, that's who!)

Patsy said...

We like bananas and they are good for you. Thanks for the tips.

LL Cool Joe said...

But I wouldn't know how to bake them! Sounds good though. :D

Cherdecor said...

Those are all good tips. I have tried them and they all work.

Jenny said...

I freeze banana sections but never with the peel! I don't know if I can change my ways. But I do love frozen banana in smoothies and (defrosted) in baked breads, or just eaten like little sweet popsicles. xoxo

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I freeze them too. Never realized opening from the bottom was easier. I just discovered you have three blogs! How do you do it? Your cooking blog looks wonderful...can't go by there again. LOL!