
Monday, December 9, 2013

Random Act of Kindness

I was working this weekend when a young man and his mother came into the nursing home. They were carrying a few things and she explained that it was his 13th birthday and he wanted to celebrate by doing some random acts of kindness. 

The first thing was to bring a cup of Starbucks coffee to a nurse that was working on the weekend.  I was the lucky recipient.  It was peppermint mocha - so good!

The second thing was a poinsettia plant for whatever resident we thought could use the cheering up most.  We  brought it to a lady who had a rough night and was pretty down.  The smile on her face when she heard who the plant came from was priceless.
This act of kindness spread cheer to everyone who heard about it.  The residents family was so touched, as were the staff.
Not many boys of 13 would think to do something like this. I think it's quite inspiring and I'm going to find a way to pass it on.


Connie said...

wow How Special. I want to adopt that kid!

Betsy Brock said...

That is just wonderful!

Jenny said...

RAOK in the form of peppermint mocha coffee? That's my kind of paying it forward! Good for him, and I'm glad you were the recipient of such a lovely thought.

Jennifer Hays said...

That's really wonderful. It's nice to know this young man is so thoughtful of others. I hope he had a very happy birthday.

Terra said...

That boy's thoughtfulness put smiles on my face. It shows that there is hope, which is the theme at our church this Advent season.

Sue O said...

That is the most awesome thing I have seen today.

Hootin Anni said...

...this choked me up!!!

That boy of 13 has the right kind of attitude which you just don't 'see' these days.

Unknown said...

Praising his parents for teaching him to give to others. That act of kindness helped the whole place for sure.

Terri D said...

A young man like that gives me hope for our future!! What a beautiful thing to do. Thanks for sharing this with us. You made my day!!

Linda said...

Wonderful!!! Happy to see there is still hope..wonderful parents raising a wonderful child. Blessings

CAROLDEE said...

I cannot think of a better place to do random things for people than there. Some never see another face other than the ones who work there. Having visited in one for months with my mother . I KNOW it's reeallly appreciated. Glad you liked the coffee!! We used to take cookies and fudge to the nurses stations when we went in. The just gobbled it up. Loved the looks on their faces. Have a great and Merry Christmas.

Beth Cotell said...

That just brought tears to my eyes! What a sweet young man and what a lesson for us all. A little thoughtfulness goes a long way!

Anonymous said...

Loved this!

Ceil said...

Hi Mari! Peppermint mochas are my fav holiday drink from Starbucks. Nice! And you are so right, how many young men would think of such a thing on their birthdays? He has very wonderful parents who taught him to think of others. So inspiring!

I hope you enjoyed that coffee! You deserved a little treat.
God bless!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful young man. He is a true inspiration in this world today.
I have followed you for a long time. I got to town to enjoy a few friends again.
I have changed my account and a different user name.

Anonymous said...

What a cool idea! I want to do this with Alice!

Jean said...

I LOVE this!!!! What a great kid!

Brooke said...

what a sweet little boy!! :)

sara said...

wow! loved this!!

LL Cool Joe said...

What a wonderful thing to do and no I can't think of many 13 year olds who would be that kind or generous!

Just A Southern Girl said...

Love stories like this!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I love the whole random acts idea. A cup of toasty coffee is a wonderful treat - from a teen, even! I try to do random things throughout the year, but I get lazy. Gonna work on that this year. :-)