This woman is 51 years old. She is health guru Gillian McKeith, promoting exercise, a vegetarian diet, colonic irrigation's and supplements.

This woman is also 51. She is tv cook, Nigella Lawson. She eats meat, butter, chocolate and finishes with some wine.
Any questions?
No questions at all! I'm with Nigella all the way!
Some people go so overboard in promoting whatever. I guess that's why she fell off the boat.
I'm riding with Nigella, too.
That's it! I'm definitely making your recipe from last night!
I am heading to the butter and meat...what can I say.....
Haaaahahahaha ... food makes you happy, and beautiful. Bring on the butter!
Love it!
AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's awesome. I knew I had to be doing something right with my chocolate, and cheese, and chips, and ice cream and processed foods-type diet! :)
Oh my!!!!
Team Nigella all the way!
hahahahaha!!! I LOVE this!!!
Great post!!! I'm inspired to eat more butter and drink more wine!!
That's what I'm saying...go Nigella!
Love this Mari!
Perfect!!! Time for the chocolate and wine!
I love that! I'm definitely all about chocolate and butter so I should be good to go. :)
Thanks for the laugh!!
I am going to jump on the Nigella bandwagon and go for more butter,choc and wine.
Thanks for the laugh
ha ha... I love this post...
I like Nigella! I sure wish I looked this good, lol. Blessings
they are my age...hmmm....
colonic irrigations???? ew. no thanks. hahaha....
I thought this was too funny!
I never heard of Nigella so did a search. Food may not kill her but those may eat with her may!
This made me smile. :>)
heheheh....looks like chocolate and wine are pretty good for us after all!
This is funny. But isn't it amazing what professional make up and the right photography can do?
I've never met a happy vegan.
over here from Ancient Ones Place and glad she sent me...good grief, I'm 65 and I look better than the vegetarian...maybe its all that lard I cook with, lol
I like it, too, Mari! Great post :)
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