
Monday, January 7, 2013


When Andy came home for Christmas, he took a box along with him.  It was a box of MRE's or meals, ready to eat from his last training mission.  They were left over and he was allowed to take them.
He had a few varieties that he opened so we could check them out.

Here's the way they are packaged.  It says on the package that they are warfighter approved. but according to Andy, they aren't well liked.

This top piece is supposed to be a BBQ rib, under that is some sort of bread.  Andy made me taste the bread and I thought it was awful!  I wouldn't be too thrilled to eat these, but I guess if it's all you have you'll eat it.


Anonymous said...

Looks alone would make me lose my appetite!!!

Sandra said...

MRE's are AWFUL, just plain awful.

Susan said...

Our daughter and granddaughter were given some of those after Katrina.

Kalli said...

I think it is horrible that that is what we feed the men and women that are fighting for us! I understand the need but your would think that with technology now there would be another way to get them better food!

Beth said...

Does not look appetizing, but as you said, if you're hungry enough, you'll eat it.
My dad, as a POW in Germany during WWII ate a gruel that was mostly hot water and slugs with some grain thrown in. They got one loaf of bread a day and it had to be cut into 8 slices. Not much sustenance in any of it---knowing my dad, I think he would have been glad for an MRI.

Beth said...

I meant MRE!

Le monde dÖ said...

Strange thing... ;)

Pat said...

Survival...that's all they are intended for. I guess they fit the bill for that.
At first I thought it was a brownie!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh I remember these from Erik's M. Corps days. I can say I think quite highly of these guys and gals that can 'stomach' this stuff and be satisfied. More power to them.

Unknown said...

I think I'd lose some weight if that was the food available for me to eat. Just wondering, how is your Dad?

Jenny said...

That makes me so sad! I hope those are only used in emergencies, like as in, eat it or starve to death! Please tell me Andy and all of our other troops get good meals! Although I did read the other day that our troops are being denied BREAKFAST, even MRE breakfasts. Is that true? God bless our troops! When I think about them, I cry. I am so thankful for their sacrifice.

Amy said...

Awful looking! I sure wouldn't want to have to eat those!

LL Cool Joe said...

I won't tell you what that BBQ rib looks like! said...

Ewww. That doesn't look like anything I would want to eat.

Anonymous said...

EEK!! I think I'd lose some weight if I had to do that, lol!

Brenda said...

Key phrase: if it's all you have you'll eat it. Who knows? I praise God everyday for the blessing of home cooked meals and the taste buds to enjoy them (even when I'm the one cooking them :)