Have you seen this new laundry detergent? It has detergent, fabric softener and anti-static all in one sheet, which is just a little larger and thicker than a fabric softener sheet. You throw the sheet in with the laundry when you start, and it has a strip on it with fabric softener for the dryer.
I bought this to use when we went on our trip to Colorado. I knew our cabin had a washer and dryer and I didn't want to lug a bunch of laundry stuff along with me. This was in a nice package that was easy to pack. It did a good job on our laundry and is so easy to use! It comes in three scents and is available in a refill pack. It was great while traveling but I've enjoyed using it at home too. However, because it's usually just Bob and my laundry, our loads aren't very big. It's kind of a waste on small loads, so I don't use it on a regular basis.
For more tips visit Kristen at We are THAT family.
We were just talking about this when I got my hair cut the other day. I've used it and liked it, but for small loads it seems a waste since you use the same sheet for a large loads.
I think it's a great idea for vacations, but I no longer use it at home. I only tried it when I got it on sale. It does work though.
What a fabulous idea. Seems like it might be a great space saver for RV trips, or week long business trips. Thanks for sharing this find!
I saw it advertised and wondered if it was good or not. Thanks, andrea
I was wondering if that worked or not. Thanks for the information.
Thank you for sharing your experience with this. I have been wondering if it was worth the money or worked.
I was wondering about this stuff. Glad to know it works - PERFECT for travel!! Thanks for sharing, Mari!!
I too was wondering about this. It sounds perfect for vacations and to take to our cottage. I hate hauling all the fixings to the laundramat when I'm up there.
i got some for cheap cvsing, but haven't used them yet. i might packet them for our california trip :) thanks for the tip.
I never thought of it before that it makes for the perfect traveling companion. Since my hubby travels a lot and has to do his own laundry, this would be a whole lot easier for him to manage.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
going to try it, hopefully my hubby won't get a rash.
I always have loads of dirty clothes for just two people, think someone is wearing our stuff at night and throwing them in the hamper.
Wwwhhhaaatt?? That's awesome. I have to have some now, lol!!
I've seen it advertised and now I know it works. But being just the 2 of us, I probably will not use it. Thanks though.
That is a good idea for trips. I haven't checked it out for at home since I tend to be so brand loyal and scent loyal, but I'm wondering if it's economical for the number of loads I do at home also? I guess it would be worth checking out sometime. Great tip for travel for when we do it though.
Someday I'll have smaller loads and not even really have the economical option, and then I suppose I'll wish I did...
Hi - thanks for the info. on the laundry detergent. My husband and I were looking at it the other day and contemplating if it made sense for us (we didn't end up buying it that day).....I'm thinking this might be good stuff for my son when he goes off to college next year and gets the pleasure of doing his own laundry!!!
Thanks too for your comment about opening an etsy shop.....I think I'm going to give it a try...I'll keep you posted on my blog.
I haven't tried it yet but my daughter has and she loves it. Great for traveling too
looks good. no i have not heard of it nor used it yet. but i like the travelling idea for it. THX!
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