A few weeks ago my friend Rebekah from Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe posted about her daughter Gracie giving herself and then her sister a haircut.
It made me think of the experiences I had with my kids cutting hair. Most kids cut their own hair. Not mine.
Maybe boys don't do this hair cutting thing as much, because Andy never tried it. Heather did. When she was about 4, I was watching a friends two boys. The oldest was Heathers age, the younger one was about a year. He was one of those kids with just a little bit of blond hair, including a little spike on the top of his head. You can imagine my horror when I found them all giggling and realized that Heather had cut that little spike off his head. Thankfully, my friend was very understanding and actually thought it was pretty funny.
Then there was Laura. She didn't cut her own hair either. She used to like to comb my hair. It was longer at the time, and she would put bows in it and play with it. One day she was "fixing" my hair when I heard the unmistakable sound of a scissors clipping the back of my hair. Yes - she cut a chunk right out of the back. I was able to fix it so it wasn't blatantly obvious, but if you looked you could see it.
Funny memories! Just wait till those two have kids that do those kinds of things. You can bet I'll remind them!
My daughter didn't do that when she was little, she waited until she was about 14 :-0
A friend of hers came over after church one Sunday and a few hours later they came out to proudly show me the new cut my daughter had given her. Thankfully she'd actually done a pretty good job so the other girl's mom wasn't upset. She said my daughter had saved her the cost of a haircut at a salon. I'm glad my friend was so gracious about it -- I myself was mortified at my daughter's presumptiousness (is that a word?). And you can bet I gave her a good talking to!
It really is a girl thing isnt' it? I don't think it would cross my son's mind, but my daughter decided to cut into her hair when she was nearly 5. Thankfully it was wavy and not too obvious, initially I was horrified (she was bald as a baby and for a long time and then this lovely long hair came) but it soon became something we really laughed about.
UNbelieveably, of my three kids not a single one attempted to cut their own hair. Now, there were dolls, barbies, stuffed animals who all recievd haircuts, but mine never gave themselves or eachother a haircut. I have never thought of that. unbeleiveable. I dont think I did either I was never a confident kid and figured I would screw it up. LOL....
I LOVE that picture!
LOL it's a girl thing, I had to keep an eye on Jasmine when she was little.
What a great post! This brings back funny memories. My daughter Heather cut her hair twice and they were chop jobs. Another incident happened when I was in grade school. My younger brother cut his hair, my younger sister's hair and every doll she owned! They only had little stubbs in front, and my mother was not a happy camper. I remember coming home from school and they were eating soup at the table, but it was obvious they had been crying...However, the really good story was when my brother nailed my sister's tongue to the picnic table!
My mother was a beautician, so I always had spikes for bangs and so did my dolls. My daughter would always cut the horses manes, tales, bangs, they would look at me "Look what she did this time"
I remember brushing my grandma's hair. It def must be a girl thing. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD
Fun memories, and funny share! I can imagine what you felt when you heard the scissors chomping away at the back of your head. :::giggles:::
This was a great post. Made me smile! [Made memories return too....I used to brush my mother's hair all the time]
My sister cut my other sisters hair (which is red) and threw it on the roof! Funny!!
This post made me laugh! Especially your daughter cutting your hair!
Ryan cut a quarter-sized whole right on the top of his head when he was about 7yrs. Right down to his white skin. Even the beautician couldn't do much to "fix" it and it was so obvious!
He did it the week of Easter, too!
I forgot, when I was little and lived on a farm I played house and used "burrs" for curlers. When I realized they wouldn't come out, I was afraid I'd get in trouble so I cut every "curler" out of my hair and thought she'd never know. lol What a dumb child I was!
lol! :P thankfully my sister never tried to give me a hair cut.
LOL! My son has tried to cut my hair, but I always run away.
I remember one of my daughters cutting her bangs...of course it went up hill. What's funny is that when I cut her bangs..it also went up hill! Needless to say we were not meant to be hairdressers!
Fortunately, that has not happened at our house. O.K. I have to mention the time my husband Danny and I BOTH tried to use clippers on his hair, and it didn't work out so well. But we were grown-ups with children! : )
You know out of all the times I cut my own hair and my brothers, looking back, now I understand while I love cutting hair to this day.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
My kids never cut their own hair. Neither did it but when I was little I would sit on my Dads lap and comb his hair. He combed it straight back (no part) and I would comb it all down on this face or I would put a part on one size and then the other. I even put curlers in it at times. He would always just let me do it. At least I was sitting on his lap.
Oh yes, how well I remember when Jeremy cut his hair right across the front at the hair line. Back then, short hair on little boys was not in style. I was mortified!
Funny post Mari, it is a girl thing for sure.
My sister did that to me, long ago. Chopped a divot out of my bangs. My mother was horrified but I remember thinking I looked quite charming!
LOL- Oh my gosh Mari, thats soo not funny (uhm, yeah it is. lol)
Thanks for the tip, though- to make sure when my girls brush my hair that scissors are no where to be found.
Now that I am logged in to blogger, I think I'll catch up on blog reading...
That Laura, she's an original! I never heard of a child cutting their parents hair!
I haven't heard of cutting a parent's hair either. Good thing is that a comb won't go through mine, but if I ever have grandkids, now they aren't touching my hair!
Well, my kids never cut either...until...Kaira...yes, sweet Kaira. The other night she wandered around the house in the middle of the night "doing things" and one of those things was cut her hair. I found it on the den floor. You can't even tell it's gone...this time!!!
aw...I cut my own bangs once...and I remember why too...
I asked my Mom to trim them up for picture day..I was 5...
she said she would but it always seemed like she was too busy and would eventually forget...she was talking on the phone and did that for hours...so...
I thought I'd help her out.
I got the scissors and did the job for her!
I thought she'd be thankful and proud of me...but to my disbelief and horror she was very angry with me and did not think I did a very good job! :(
Needless to say I never cut my own hair again.
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