My tip for today is something that many of you may already use, but for those that don't, I wanted to share. If you have several blogs you like to keep up on and you just check them from time to time to see if they have a new post, I have a way to make your life easier. It's called Google Reader.
This is a site that will allow you to keep track of the blogs you read. Whenever a blog has a new post, it will show up. You can set up different folders for different types of blogs. For example I have one for family, one for church friends, one for favorite blogs, one for crafts, recipes..., another for devotional blogs. When you want to check on your blogs, you go to the Google reader site and it will tell you how many new posts are up. Click on the highlighted blog and it will come up in the box. If you want to comment on it, you just click on the blog title and it will open in another window. It saves time in checking a blog to see if there is anything new on it and keeps track of all those blogs. It really does work for me!
For more tips, visit Kristen at We are THAT Family.
Anthony set google reader up for me on my iphone. I just need to add more sites to it. It is indeed quick for checking up on the sites I have there.
works for me too !! :)
I use it too, although mine locks up on me about half of the time. I think it's because my computer is older and sometimes just gets bogged down loading it up. When it works I enjoy using it.
I've used it since it was in 'beta'....love it. And a great tip.
I have a feed for my blog, but rarely use it when I read others. I can see how helpful it is so will take another look at using it. Thanks for the tip. Also batton down Grand Rapids, GVS has Homecoming this weekend. My DD will be attending!
I love using Google Reader! For me, it saves lots of time since I don't have to visit each blog individually to see if there's anything new posted. It also makes it so easy to add a new blog I've found so that I don't forget to add it to my favorites!
if not for it, i would lose track of all the blogs i like to read!
It's truly a life-saver (ie TIME saver) for me too. In fact, there are some blogs that I pass on subscribing to because they don't offer an option for following via Google. Their loss! =)
I do believe you have made my life SOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier! Thanks for sharing this tip!
it took me a long time to give in to this idea. i so enjoyed going to each blog every day to see if there was a post or new photo or design. BUT, it sucked up way too much time. i figured if i wanted to keep reading all the blogs i loved, i had to give in to google and it has been awesome! i don't miss a thing now!
It helps me a lot! I couldn't keep up with everyone as easily.
THX yeah I'm glad I use Google Reader!
And was able to find the code on it to put my subscribed blog list on my blog :)
I need to do this. Right now I just do everything in the blogger environment and sometimes that takes so long.
I am off to create folders and work on this.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
It looks like most of your commenters already use Google Reader (I do too). I just wanted to say thanks for mentioning it. I'd been into blogs for a while before I heard about it. I did what I'm sure most others do and bookmarked the ones I liked and visited to see if they had posts. It was a pain. I heard about Reader through WFMW and am glad I did. I think a lot of us forget that everyone isn't as computer savvy or hasn't heard about some of the great tools out there!
You know I have this but I have never taken the time to explore and use.. will have to give it a try!!
I don't use this well, but when I have --- I have found it to be a nice function!
I love Google reader...
Hi Mari....nice to meet you and thanks for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. I really appreciate your nice comments. I hope to have more projects posted soon!!
Lovin' it girlfriend!!
Simply one of the best online inventions ever!
It's awesome that you shared it as a tip. Even if only a few people start using it from your blog pot, their lives will be changed by it!
I have heard a lot about Google Reader, but have never used it. You have made some very good points. Thanks for the heads-up.
Hope you're having a great week.
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