
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Works for me Wednesday

My tip for today is about the comments people leave at your blog.  Many of you probably already do this, but for those who didn't know I'm passing this on.
Did you know you can set up your blog so any comments you get will be sent to your e-mail?  It saves having to go back to your blog to see if anyone left a comment, but when it's really helpful is when someone leaves a comment on an older post you would never check.  The other benefit to this is that if you ask someone a question in their comments, they are able to respond directly to that comment with an e-mail back to you instead of leaving it on your blog.
To set your blog up this way, go to settings, then comments.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and put your e-mail address in the box at the bottom, that says "Comment notification e-mail".  Then click on save settings.
That's it!  Your comments will now come to your e-mail.
For more tips, visit Kristen at We are THAT Family.


Kendrah said...

This was so helpful, I had no idea. Thanks :)

Pat said...

You always enlighten me...I had no idea. Gotta go do that..NOW!
Oh..and thank you so much for leaving comments on my brothers blog...he's told me it means so much to them!

Christi said...

this little function is so helpful! i love that is also can track where people are from so i can easily reply to them.

Linda said...

Luckily, I too discovered this early on...and I love it. What a pain it would be to have to go back to each post to see if new comments have been added. That just takes WAY to much time! Email notification rocks!

Anonymous said...
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SusanD said...

Thank you so much for sharing this great tip. I wondered how that worked. I've already changed my settings to do this. Blessings, SusanD

Just Mom said...

Yup. That works for me too. :-D

Kathy said...

I knew that I could get the comments that way, but what took me awhile was realizing I could reply (unless they were a no-reply blogger), without ever going to my blog....just replying like a regular email. That has been great!

Brooke said...

when i first started blogging i checked my blog every few minutes during the day before i figured out how to send comments to my email.

Heart2Heart said...


This truly is a time saver tip. I love replying directly to the comments I receive and you are so right when people leave you comments on a post from months ago. It links the name of that post just in case you forgot what you wrote.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Cherdecor said...

It makes life so much easier! Just as you said.

Penny said...

I thought about doing that, but I think it's fun to be surprised when I check my blog, lol!

Jean said...

I think I had set that up a few years ago when we were unable to access blogs at school. I would have my comments go to my school email address so I could feel like I was still in touch!

Now I also have lots of Facebook comments directed to my email address, and since I can now access email with my phone, I'm in touch everywhere I go! I love technology!

Kim said...

Wonderful suggestion! Thanks Mari, this will help a lot I think.