While we were in Pennsylvania, we planned for one day in Philadephia. It's another place full of history for us history lovers! It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive from our cabin, but we were very glad we took the time for this. We would love to go back and do some of this again, and see the things we missed!
Once we arrived, we started at the Visitor Center, then began walking to a few places. Just walking on these streets was amazing. There are so many old beautiful buildings!
My family was laughing at me when I took this photo, but I thought even the alley's were cool.
And cobblestone streets? Amazing!

We stopped and had lunch outside - authentic Philly cheesesteaks!
We stopped at Christ Church, which was the church of George Washington, Betsy Ross and several of the signers of the Declaration of Independance. Unfortunately, they are not having tours because of Covid, but at least we got to see it.
There are a few grave sites right next to the church - one is James Wilson, a signer of the constitution.
This is Betsy Ross's home, she is also buried in the gardens here.
We stopped at the cemetery where Benjamin Franklin is buried
It's a beautiful, old cemetery.
Here is the grave site of Benjamin Franklin and his wife Deborah.
The home of Abigal Adamas
The Quaker Meeting House
As we walked, we came to this sight - Independance Hall in front of these modern buildings!
This is the site of the original Presidential home. Both Washington and Adams lived at this spot. The house is long gone, but they rebuilt walls and windows so you could walk through and get a feel for what it was like. Inside there is a archeological dig where original walls can be seen.
A short distance from that, was something we were really looking forward to seeing!
Liberty Bell! And behind it, Independance Hall.
A statue of George Washington in front of Independance Hall.
We walked from the Libety Bell to Independance Hall. This is the Courtroom in Independance Hall.
The Assembly Room in Independance Hall. This is the room where the Declaration of Independance was signed as well as the Constitution.
This is the actual chair that George Washington sat in as he presided over these events.
This is the table that Thomas Jefferson sat at and his actual walking stick is on the table.
Independance Hall
Washington Square Park. There are 2000 unidentified soldiers from the Revolutionary War buried here.
Before leaving Philadephia, we took a carriage ride through the city.
We drove back to our little cabin in the woods and enjoyed a camp fire in the back. What a wonderful day!
Here's a quote that Bob found in our book on Philadephia that speaks to all that our founding fathers worked for. It's relevant in this day as we see what's happening in our country.
“Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it.”
John Adams in letter to Abigail, April 27, 1777.