What a blessing to meet up with someone from your past and have them become part of your present! We'll have to do it again sometime and who knows what other bloggers we can find to take along!
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14
Here is a picture of Laura meeting her new sister. She was pretty excited to see her, as she had been hoping for a sister. (After she came home, she wasn't as sure) Look at all the black hair Heather had. She soon lost it and it came in blonde.
Heather is about 6 in this picture. She was a really easy baby and an easy kid. The most trouble she ever gave me was being born! She still rarely gets upset and often does things to help at home without being asked.
Here is Heather now. She has brought a lot of joy to Bob and I and we are happy to see the Christian young women she has grown up to be. Happy Birthday, Heather. We love you!
Another of my blogging friends is also celebrating her birthday today. Happy Birthday, Diane!
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