I saw this last week on my friend
Ginger's blog and thought it would be fun to do as well. It's all about taking time to notice the positive things in life.
Today I:
1... saw 2 women supporting each other as they sat at the bedside of their Mom and Aunt who was dying. They have shown such love toward her and each other as they wait for her to enter heaven.
2... ate chicken salad on a croissant for supper. Bob was working tonight, so I didn't want to fuss with supper. This was easy and really good!
3...recieved a package in the mail from the army. It had a letter thanking us for being suportive parents. It included a certificate, proud army parents bumper stickers, and army parent pins. I also recieved a call from Andy saying he got his ticket to come home for Christmas!!!!
4... I seem to be getting a cold, so I went to the store and bought cold tablets, cough drops ...for me!
5...did the laundry and picked up a prescription for Bob.
6...I had a crazy day at work today; one would have thought it was a full moon the way some of our residents were acting. One of the ladies was trying to tell me to write a report because someone had stolen her things. (not true) and was going on about a "dirty woman" who came into her room. (There was no woman). The funny thing was she then said to me - "Marilyn (she always calls me that) I think that woman isn't right in the head!" I had a hard time keeping a straight face!