
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Turkey Talk

Here's a few bits of turkey trivia for you to think about during Thanksgiving week.
  • A mature turkey has 3,500 feathers
  • Wild turkeys like to spend the night in trees
  • the flap of skin that hangs over the beak is called a snood
  • The first female turkey ever pardoned was pardoned by President Bush in 2002. Her name was Katie.
  • A 15 pound turkey is 70% white meat and 30% dark meat.
  • There are 6,900 pounds of turkey gobbled up during the American Thanksgiving Day.


Mary said...

Mari, Enjoy your Thanksgiving. I would love to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving and then the American one as well. It is my favourite holiday after Christmas.

Have a great week.

Justabeachkat said...

Interesting facts, but only 690 pounds sounds way too small to me. I would think just my neighborhood would consume that much.

Happy Thanksgiving sweet friend!
Kat said...

I agree..690 pounds doesn't sound like much at all. After all, I've got a 22 pounder waiting to be roasted and multiply that by others that may have the same size or larger and wow!!! That's a whole lot of turkey!

Hope you have a great week!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness....that would take me forever to clean and dress a fresh turkey then, wouldn't it. 3500 feathers?

Hey, just to let you know, this morning I posted about 'simple pleasures' ---

Have a great Monday, and if I don't see you before Thanksgiving, have a blessed holiday!

Lara said...

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Portugal but I think it's a pity because it is such a wonderful celebration. Have a great week Mari.

Cherdecor said...

Thanks for the facts about turkeys. Very interesting!

Connie said...

I would guess almost everyone has turkey for Thanksgiving. I know of only one family that has ham instead. Won't be thanksgiving without turkey would it. Busy week for everyone. Have a good one.

Pat said...

I'm thinking this might be the week to post my picture of Hal and the wild turkey he shot!
Cool turkey facts...give me a plate with mashed potatoes and gravy..mmmmm good!

Grandma Elsie said...

I love turkey dressing the most .. Can eat a small amount of Turkey but not dark meat. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Growin' With It said...

you just made my day! we seem to always talk about that flappy skin on the turkey's beak every year and forget to look it up! now i know! ☺

Brooke said...

for whatever reason, i'm just not a turkey fan. but no doubt they'll be plenty of sides to fill up on!

Betty W said...

I miss turkey! It´s been years and years, since I´ve had some. We don´t get it here.
Interesting trivia.

Kayren said...

I did not know that wild turkeys liked to spend the night in the trees.

I like dark meat as well as the white, probably a little bit better. Your percentage was a little discouraging. The good news is that most of my family likes the white meat, so I get most of the dark to myself if I want it! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kim said...

I had no idea! Thanks for sharing the fun facts :-)

And enjoy some extra turkey for me on Thursday!

Unknown said...

Very interesting indeed!!

Sandra said...

6,900 lbs of turkey???? I think I contribute to about 1000 lbs LOL

Not really, but it feels like it on Thanksgiving Day LOL

Rebekah said...

Ha! interesting stuff