There is a young family in our town who have had a lot of problems thrown their way recently. Here is a little bit of their story:Hello, My name is Kendrah DeYoung and thank-you for landing on our
family blog:
I'm a 30 year old mother of 5 amazing children. My husband Brian and I have been married for nearly 10 years. We met shortly after he returned home from the Marine Corp - where he suffered a broken hip, pelvis, and multiple stress fractures to his feet.
Today, our children are Kennedy 9, Dawson 7, Cole 6, Aleigha 3, and Blake 2. Their energy keeps us on our toes. In Feb of 2007, I began working at Spectrum Health. Life was hectic, but fun.
God's plan for us changed on December 8, 2007. After punching into work, I went to sit in the break room and began reviewing medical charts. I remember starting to feel very tired, and can recall nothing again until December 20. After spending several days in the Intensive Care Unit, I was moved to a step-down unit. It was than that my friends and family began telling me what was happening. I was having over 50 unexplained seizures a day. They were initially treating me like a stroke patient. In ICU my initial prognosis was bad, I could not even share a nurse. I had a nurse with me for constant care/monitoring. While my husband was juggling 5 kids, his job, our bills - he was trying to stay with me as much as possible. I was than transferred to St. Mary's Hospital, because they have an entire floor dedicated to seizure patients. Several more tests, several additional hospital stays and we were told that I had a small tumor on the pituitary gland. Treatment started with Radiation, during that time my tumor unfortunately grew :(
My first day of radiation was late February. The same day, I tore my ACL in my knee. Requiring extensive knee reconstructive surgery. The surgery was performed in April.
There have been times, MANY times in fact..when I thought that going through all this crap wasn't worth it. I know how that sounds. But it is true. What has gotten us through this has been the support of family, friends, neighbors, church and COMPLETE strangers offering to help.
June 26, in a freak boating accident my husband injured his finger so bad that he had to have a 2.5 hour surgery to fix it. Even upon meeting with the surgeon recently he was told that amputating this finger (left ring) still may be in our near future. Since this injury, well actually since my diagnosis, my husband has battled his work for respect, time-off and to maintain his employment. If you are looking for something specifically to pray for, in addition to our full recovery, please pray at this time that Spartan Stores will find compassion and appreciation for an employee who has been there for 14 years.
We realize that life is full of challenges and ours are just beginning. We have learned to hug the ones we love a little longer and try to focus on the big picture. One big happy family! Our faith has been tried and tested but ultimately we realize that things are out of our control and we need to trust in our Lord. Please continue to visit and we welcome you to our little World. I have been reading Kendrah's blog for a while but felt I should do more. Now there is an easy way to help them out. A Tastefully Simple consultant has offered to do an online sale with the profits going to the DeYoung family to go toward their medical bills. If you've never tried Tastefully Simple products, now is your chance. It's good - and simple! The products will be shipped to your home and they have a satisfaction guarantee! I recommend the beer bread. (and I don't even like beer) It goes together easily; only needs a can of beer ot soda and can be used as a dipping bread, toasted or as is - which is how we usually eat it. There are lots of other good things too. To check out the products or to place an order go
here. Thanks for your help.