
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Smoky Mountains, last day

 When I left you yesterday, we were having lunch in a little town in North Carolina.  It was a cute town and we enjoyed walked around it a little.

I stopped and got this picture of Bob, because we were told there were a lot of bears in the area we stayed at.  We were told to lock our car doors or they would get in.  But guess what?  We saw no bears, although Andy and Nikki did while on a hike.  So this bear was the extent of what Bob and I saw.

After lunch we went to investigate something Andy had read about.  It's called The road to nowhere.  It's a road through the mountains that was started in the 1940's.  They tore down houses and dug a lake to make a community.  However, for some reason it was never completed, leaving some angry former homeowners and tax payers.
Now it's a road that only tourists drive and it ends with a tunnel.
The road itself is about 6 1/2 miles long and the tunnel is 1/4 mile long.

Can you believe they were doing construction on this road to nowhere?  Because it's on a curvy mountain road, we had to follow this car through the construction for several miles.

We parked and then started walking.

At this point, no more cars, you can only walk.

We reached the tunnel

Here we are in the middle of the tunnel

And here we are at the other side, the tunnel is ending in the woods.

Andy and Bob climbed to the top of the tunnel

And here's Andy, Nikki and Bob emerging from the tunnel!

It was so strange to see something like this; all that work and cost and now just abandoned.

We then drove back to Gatlinburg.

We stopped in this cute little shopping area.

It felt like we were in Europe with the old style buildings and the cobbled streets.

On our drive back to the cabin we saw 2 elk.  We were thrilled to see these majestic creatures!

We had a nice last evening together. Because Andy and Nikki live in another state, we don't get to spend time in person with them too often, so this time together was a joy!

The next morning we were on the road before 8 am.  Andy and Nikki had a 4 hour drive, we had a 10 hour drive.

We started the drive in rain, but it soon cleared and we had a good drive home.
We arrived safely home about 6:30, happy to be home and with good memories of our time together!


Chris said...

What a wild and beautiful you live in, and it might be going no where but beautiful on the way there!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was going to say that the little shopping area reminded me of something in Europe, but you beat me to it! What a very strange road to tour!!

Mandy said...

That’s is such a cool tunnel! I’m so glad y’all got to take this trip and send time with them. I’ve enjoyed following along on your adventures! It’s such a pretty part of the country.

Susan said...

Looks like you had a great time! I liked the tunnel. I have been through a few, but the one coming out to the view of Yosemite valley and falls is great! We saw a group of 7 Elk in the Grand Canyon. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

Sandi said...

We have elk??

"...lock our car doors or they would get in."

This sounds like they trudge up and open the doors. Ha ha 😂

Changes in the wind said...

Great pictures...

HappyK said...

I would have loved to walk under the bridge. Beautiful scenery.

Dianna said...

What a fun time you had with this adventure! It must have been amazing to see the two Elk! Everytime we go to Maine, we are always on the look out for Moose, but so far we've not been successful.

So glad that you had this time away with Andy and Nikki!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I appreciate you sharing your trip through photos. Such a beautiful area. That’s a cool tunnel and I love that shopping area.

Jeanette said...

What a great trip! When Rich and I drove through there we saw a herd of about 8 elk! There was tons of cars parked along the street and people taking pictures!

Sparky said...

Great photos. It's not called Smokey Mtns for nothing, right?! 💙

The Happy Whisk said...

I love the shots of the tunnel. How cool is that?

Billie Jo said...

Hello! What beautiful sights you shared from your travels! That little shopping area indeed reminds me of Europe! And if you would like to see bears, visit me in Pennsylvania! I can offer close-ups of bears, deer, turkeys, foxes, and elk. Let me know!

R's Rue said...

I love the tunnel

Happy@Home said...

I have just caught up on your last two posts. You captured such lovely photos of your trip. The road to nowhere is an interesting story. I hadn't heard about it before. Glad you didn't come across any real bears.

Terri D said...

WHat a great vacation you had with your Andy and Nikki!! That "European" looking street reminded me of St. Augustine. I am glad you had those special days and quality time with your kids!! Thanks for sharing it with us, Mari!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! This was a great trip. So glad you could meet up with Andy and Nikki. It is always a joy to get together with our children. You visited some beautiful places, and, as always, your pictures are wonderful. So glad you were able to do this spring vacation! See you again soon.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds like a wonderful vacation! Such a beautiful place to visit! I love that "road to nowhere" and the tunnel especially! That was fun. Sorry you didn't get to see any real live bears. Maybe it's just as well. But you did see Elk! That's amazing! I never realized there were Elk in NC! That's really special! Glad you made it home safely. There's no place like home! But it sure is nice to get away once in a while!!

acorn hollow said...

What a lovely trip! I have never been to that area. And we hope to not see a bear this year. We had such an issue with one last year.

Catherine said...

How strange this tunnel ? We also have some strange things like that here too.
I like the village really looks like in Europe. I am glad you enjoyed your outing, ours will be next month…for the moment we are working hard 😓

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Such lovely pics and such charm to those little towns. Even the weird road to nowhere. Lol You're right, such a sad waste though. And the elk look so majestic! If you want to see bears - you and Bob can just come to my backyard. 😂
So glad you had a wonderful trip and got home safe and sound. xo

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy seeing your photographs. I especially liked the tunnel.
It looks like you had a great time together.

All the best Jan

Jean said...

That road to nowhere is so fascinating!!

What a treasure to have had this time with your precious son and his wife!! It's so hard to be so far away from loved ones, as I know entirely too well.

Debi said...

I love "tagging along" on your adventures. Our daughter lives in Virginia (we're in NY) so I know how you feel about not seeing your son often. It's hard to be so far away sometimes. Have a great weekend!

Prims By The Water said...

Too bad you did not see any bears. We went through a park in Northern Lower Michigan a few years back and we were told to take a certain route to see bears,..none to be found. We also have elk here, but have not seen them either. What a waste of money to build a road and tunnel for nothing. My nephew lives an hour south of the mountains in N Carolina. We went through several real tunnels getting there and I dont think I would like to travel there in the Winter. Too scary for me. So glad you took us along your fantastic trip to the Smokies! Happy Mother's Day! Janice

Jenny the Pirate said...

Yeah well I don't want to see any bears, anywhere, ever ... except on TV, either! But wow, springtime in the Smokies. It doesn't get much better than that! xoxo