
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Smoky Mountains - day 3

Monday was a full day for us.  I'll share only part today so you don't have to look at too much in one day.

Just driving through Smoky Mountain National Park is amazing, seeing the mountains out the windows, and usually being able to see a stream flowing next to the road.

We stopped at Newfound Gap which is on the border of North Carolina and Tennessee.

I made Andy and Nikki pose too.

At Newfound Gap, you can also get on the Appalachian Trail.

The spring flowers are so pretty!

We then drove on to Clingman's Dome.  We didn't climb to the top because I probably couldn't, and it would have taken about an hour, but even the views from the parking lot were incredible!

As we continued our drive, we stopped at this picturesque bridge.  That's Bob and Andy on it.

As I told you, there is almost always a stream running along the road as you drive and it's such a beautiful sight!

Andy then took us to Cherokee, which is an Indian Reservation in North Carolina.  They have a Bamboo Forest he wanted to show us.
Here we all are in the middle of it.

Andy took this cool photo looking up at the tops of the bamboo.  

There is a little river on the edge of the forest and Andy was goofing off and threatening to push Bob in.  We always have fun when he's around!

A wooden sculpture in Cherokee.

We stopped for lunch in Bryson, North Carolina at this small town restaurant that was in a Quonset hut.

Tomorrow I'll share what we did for the rest of the day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

the bamboo forest is amazing!!! And I love the pic of the stream. This is also the most beautiful view from a parking lot that I have ever seen.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I really am enjoying your photos of an area I’ve been to many times in my younger years. I have family all through there. Cherokee, North Carolina is a the Eastern Band of Cherokees. I’d love to go back again and show my husband where my family came from.
Totally heaven on earth!

DUTA said...

You all look great in the pictures! Nature is at its Best in that area, and your photos are a real treasure, Mari!

roentare said...

The bamboo forests look the best

Sparky said...

We've been to all those places too. It's so lovely there. The bamboo forest is neat. Great photos! Glad y'all are having a good time. Be safe.
Blessings. 💙

R's Rue said...


Jenny the Pirate said...

SUCH a beautiful time of year to visit there! Of course we love the fall, but a mountain springtime is so charming. OK so the best burger I have ever eaten, I had at Jimmy Mac's on Main Street in Bryson City, North Carolina. Exceptional and unforgettable. Just saying. xoxo

Jeanette said...

Such a beautiful area. We miss a lot of it because we always seem to be heading somewhere else and only have limited time to spend there! The drive through the Smokey Mountain National Park is absolutely beautiful! When we were there in April 2022 the run off from the mountains was awesome!

Michelle said...

I am so glad you had a good time. Followed some of your adventures on FB.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

It's so fun to see the different sites you took in while there. That bamboo forest is amazing! And I love the running streams everywhere. So very beautiful!! 💚

Lowcarb team member said...

A big WOW for the bamboo forest, it looks amazing.

I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs, you certainly had a wonderful trip away.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

I could live quite nicely with one of those streams in my backyard. Your photos are wonderful and make me want to visit there again.Years and years and years ago, I did walk up Clingman's Dome. Couldn't do it now, even with my new knees. Such beauty. Looking forward to your next post and thanks for taking us along with you!

The Happy Whisk said...

Looks like a wonderful time. What a pretty thing to see the trees. Loved the flowers too. How was the food? What did you get?

roentare said...

I love that tunnel. Looks so authentic

Dianna said...

Absolutely beautiful scenery wherever you look! Thank you so much for sharing these pictures with us, my friend. They are taking me places that I probably won't ever get to visit!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! Hiking along the Appalachian Trail is on my bucket list. This area is beautiful! Great pictures. Thanks for sharing this trip with us.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

It all looks so beautiful.
I love the wood sculpture in Cherokee.

Susan said...

Hi Mari, I sure enjoyed all your pictures! We went in a bamboo forest when we were in Hawaii. I love to be near tall trees. I feel so close to nature and of course the Lord who created it all. Nice that you could take that trip with your friends! Happy Mother's Day!

Prims By The Water said...

We went through Cherokee too while in the Smokies. Just breathtaking! Can you imagine Daniel Boone trekking through the gap in the day when it was just pristine. God's country for sure. Janice