
Monday, March 4, 2024

A Day in my Life - March

Here we are in March!  Those of you that know me, know that I'm thrilled to be this far into the year, with Spring just around the corner and winter soon behind us.
Here's my monthly report on how I spent the first day of the month.

This is shortly after 7, on the corner just down from my house.  The sun is rising and it looks beautiful!  It was 30 degrees when I left.

This is about 7:20. You can't really see it, but far ahead a train is just going through, leaving cars on the road I'm on, way backed up.  I'm not a very patient driver and am never happy when this happens to me in the morning.  It took about 15 minutes to get through here.

I got to work about 7:50 and was the first one to arrive. I got the doors unlocked and my computer started. I have to be ready to start answering phones at 8.
I always enjoy flipping my calendars to a new month.  This is a Sandra Boynton Calendar that has a holiday for every month, most are quite silly and make us laugh at work.

Look at this!  Outside the window at work, this tree is budding.  It's very early for that here in Michigan.

Here's some of the nurses I work with.  We don't have patients in the office on Friday so we don't have to wear uniforms.  I have the best co-workers!  We have some crazy days sometimes, but still have fun.
We had a nice day and I was able to leave on time at 4:30.

It was getting a little cloudy when I left but was up to 46 degrees.
I had to make a few stops on my way home; a few things at the store, a drive through the bank and stopped to get gas.

I also picked up pizza and made it home about 5:30.  Here's my half of the pizza with pineapple on it.  Bob thinks that's awful.  His had sausage and bacon.

I knew that Saturday was going to be a busy day for me, so I did a few things after supper. First some laundry.  Have you ever tried this Downy Light?  It makes your clothes smell so nice but isn't strong or overpowering.

I mixed up some Creamy Chicken Taco Soup, so on Saturday, all I had to do was get the crock out of the frig and start it up.

Then I started the dishwasher, cleaned up the kitchen and cleaned the sink.  It always makes me feel good to have a clean kitchen.

By 7:30 I was all done and lit a candle, ready to relax for the night.
It was a good day, and I'm thankful for God's blessings on it!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your sink! We have a double sink, but both sides are the same size. I also love the calendar and want to buy one! The pizza looks so good. Love your table decorations!

roentare said...

The colour in the sky is refreshing. You work with lovely looking colleagues

Barbara said...

Such a fun post! Regarding pizza, I don't think I've ever had one I did not like and pineapple is a good addition. Thanks for this glimpse into your life!

R's Rue said...

Great post.

Mandy said...

I get pineapple on my pizza, too! 😂 My husband also thinks I’m a little ridiculous for it. I love it! I’m also so glad to see March come in. I’m not a winter person at all, so this has greatly made me happier!

Dianna said...

With the exception of the 15 minute wait to let the train go by, it sounds like you had a really good first day of March. Your soup looks so yummy there in the crockpot and I love your arrangement in the last picture. He truly is great!

acorn hollow said...

Your daily temps sound like ours here in NH. Today is rain. It sounds like you had a very productive day and yes I would eat pineapple pizza so good.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

What another lovely day in the books. I love that Sandra Boynton calendar!! I loved reading those books with my kiddos when they were little. And Annie would say you're a true kindred spirit. She often orders only a cheese and pineapple pizza! Lol 😋

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love the sunrise photo. Sounds like you had a great beginning of March. Your co-workers look like a great group to work with. Wishing you a happy spring and blessed Easter.

Sparky said...

It's wonderful to enjoy one's workplace. I've had jobs like that. Makes working much more pleasant.
I like pineapple but I'm with Bob on the pizza having sausage and bacon. Just personal preference.
Our trees and bushes are budding too. Spring is very welcome this year.
Blessings. 💙

Pam said...

Yep, I am with hubs on the pizza! lol...sorry about that. Love taco soup. Made a big pot about a month ago, went to turn it off after I had a bowl full, and turned it up and not off.....oh well, I had one bowl.

HappyK said...

It is great to have good coworkers.
I don't use softener and my clothes smell good because they get dried outside. :)
I'm with Bob, no pineapple on pizza!!! :)

Jeanette said...

That does sound like a good day! It's always a blessing to have good coworkers! You spend a lot of time with them! I love when my sink is clean and shiny like that!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I enjoyed this first day of March with you. I know the wait for the train was annoying, but I always try to remember that when I am delayed God is protecting me from something further down the road and so I try to be patient. Not that I'm always good at it, but I TRY. LOL. I loved seeing your co-workers. They looks like a fun and great bunch of gals to work with. Your pizza looks good, although I don't think I really would like pineapple on my pizza either...sorry. The chicken taco soup sounds good. I've had it, but I've never made it. I'm sure I'd love yours. Sorry you live so far away! LOL. I enjoyed your sunrise photo and your kitchen sink so clean and sparkly. That does feel good. And I love your little candle corner...very peaceful. I've never tried the Downy stuff. I am very "scentsitive" to scents of all kinds, so I tend to stay away from scented items like detergent and fabric softeners. But just maybe I might like the lighter scent, especially the lavender. I wish we had scratch and sniff blog posts! LOL. Have a lovely rest of your week.

Terri D said...

Your co-workers look like they are a lot of fun! What a change from your former employment. Do you ever hear how things are going there? We have flowering trees all over and they are starting to have puddles of color on the ground as the green leaves push the pretty pinks and yellows off. I've wondered about that Downy fabric freshener. I don't care for heavy scents so that might be nice. Thanks for the recommendation. That soup looks yummy. May I watch for the recipe on Thursday? xo

Kim said...

I'm always amazed by how empty your roads are, Mari...and a bit jealous, too. The traffic in my neck of the woods is maddening. I'm a country girl at heart and my little hamlet it becoming to city like for me. Taco soup looks so good!! I think I'd really enjoy that.

Debi said...

Sounds like you had a pretty good day. I love your calendar, looks like fun! Working is much more enjoyable when you have great co-workers. I was very fortunate to have co-workers that I loved for all twenty eight years. That was a true blessing. Your taco soup looks delicious.

Jean said...

I totally agree with you on the pineapple. Dick likes it on pizza too, so we usually get it that way. Green pepper slices too and ham.

Your work day sounded fun. Sometimes I miss the fun of adult coworkers.

There's a train track on our way to Destiny's house, and sometimes it gets terribly backed up. It's in the small town of Bellefonte, and it's right at an intersection.

Lowcarb team member said...

Sounds a good day.
A very nice sunrise photograph and great photograph of your coworkers.

All the best Jan

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ouch that long slow train! I would be impatient too. I love it that you have nice coworkers and I have said before (and I will say it again), they are so fortunate to have you. I don't eat pineapple on pizza but I WOULD. Know what I'm saying? I'm not against it. Pirate Pineapple Pizza has a certain ring to it. xoxo