
Sunday, September 30, 2018

The good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly!

Last week was quite a week at my workplace.  I'm sure it's the same everywhere - there are good days, and not so good days.
We've been really busy.  Because we have a short term skilled rehab unit, we are always having people going home, and others coming in.  Admissions and discharges are a whole lot of work.  It takes a good 2 hours to do everything related to a normal admission, and if they have anything extra going on it takes longer.  On top of that there are assessments that all the different departments have to do, and then continued things for several days.  We have been full, with people on a list waiting to come in, and often people leave, and we have an hour to get ready for the next one. So, you get the picture.  It can be stressful!
But then there are always the good things.  I meet so many wonderful people. I have residents and family members that I've remained friends with after they've gone home or their loved one passes.  There are funny things that happen, sweet things said, and sometimes just the knowledge that you have made a difference for someone.
Last week, we got the cutest gift as a thank you from someone whose sister has been with us for a year.  It was from Sharri's Berries and there were several boxes of chocolate covered strawberries, some cheesecake bites and other chocolates.

And - in a little box, were these!  These are cake pops - a Dr, a nurse and the one with the medical bag.  The staff took the Dr and nurse out and told me to bring them to my granddaughters, who loved them!  Along with this sweet gift, was an even sweeter note, thanking us for the care their sister receives.  Notes like that mean a lot, because when you deal with people, it's not always so nice.

The next day I got a taste of the not so nice.  One of our residents went into the hospital with a circulation problem.  It's something we had been monitoring and she had been seen by our Dr several times related to this.  I talk to families about anything medical that goes on and update them on any dr visits.  This lady was gone for 5 days, had a procedure to improve her circulation and returned.
On the day she came back, the director of nursing asked me to come with her to talk to the daughter who was in the building and was upset about something.   I was surprised to see someone I had never seen standing there.  This daughter had the ok to receive information, but none of the staff had ever seen her in the building.  She was furious, yelling loudly and wouldn't listen to anything I tried to tell her.  She was sure that we had never noticed a problem and thought her mother nearly lost a leg.  The DON thought she was going to hit me and told her she would call the police to have her escorted out of the building if she couldn't control herself.
It was not fun, and I have to admit that although I stayed calm, I was pretty angry.  We are not perfect, no place is, but we take good care of our people and have a good reputation, and I know this was not a problem that could have been avoided.  When her sister who usually visits arrived, she calmed down, and now hasn't been back again!

So, that's how  a few of my days went last week.  Thankfully, there are many more nice people out there than the angry ones!


Linda said...

Ah yes, "family" or dealing with folks like that, dealing with this issue. I'll leave it at, smiles.

Hope you have a beautiful day, Mari. smiles

Arlene G said...

People have no idea of all the things nurses must face daily. So glad your DON stood up for you in a scary situation. ( and isn't it always the ones who never come to visit who pitch the biggest fits?) Guilty conscience maybe? I know you are a good nurse Mari and I would love to have you care for me or any of my family members.

Changes in the wind said...

Although I am not close to the responsibility you carry on a daily basis, even I as a volunteer see the good, bad and ugly too and I have only been doing it for less than a year. I think it is because it is such a stressful time for the family and what they are going through. That was a sweet gift.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Welcome back beautiful Mari! Looks like your trip was so awesome. ;)

Right back to work life though, huh? God bless all you do Sweetie. I remember that world well and the good and bad just as you say. As the social worker I dealt with more than my share of the "not fun" stuff as it was usually sent to our dept. But the moments of good and those notes, treats and feeling you really helped did always make it worthwhile. Now I'm blessed to volunteer in hospice and love being able to be an ear, a compassionate hand to hold, prayer to say etc - but all on my terms.

Sounds like you handled that sister perfectly. Again. God bless all you do my Dear! Your job is incredibly important. Have a great week ahead. xoxo

Jenny said...

It's hard for me to imagine you angry, Mari, even though you had every reason to be in that situation. I'm pretty sure the lady in question was mad at lots of things, and y'all were just the latest recipient as she vented her overfull spleen. Isn't it nice that the good times outweigh the bad? I'll say it again: Your residents and coworkers alike are fortunate to have you. And I know that they know it. xoxo

Terri D said...

Mari, I am so sorry that you had to deal with someone who treated you that way. What a shame. Of course, you were angry and rightly so. Over this past week and into this one, we have had contact with many nurses and CNAs. All have been wonderful. That woman must live a very sad life to be that vile. Bless you and all nurses and caregivers. Bless you.

Doris said...

Oh I know all that all too well. We did have to call police sometimes. And the paperwork! I dream about it sometimes and it's been 8 years since I've had to do any of it, haha! But the good,...the sweet thankyous, the spark of life in eyes where none had been, the friendships, the stories from the past, having residents with dementia able to sing familiar songs even though they can't converse, reciting The Night Before Christmas on Christmas was ALL worth it!

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Somehow I missed this post, but am sure sorry you had to deal with that family member. I do know how some can act but it sounds like she was dangerous. Glad that it ended before any more damage was done, and glad you are ok.

Laura said...

The girls sure did love their cake pops!

It sure does make me angry to have someone treat you like that, when in my very humble opinion you're the very best nurse around! ;)

Katelyn R. said...

Im with Laura- your the best nurse I know and to have someone treat you that way is horrible. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that :-(