
Monday, May 7, 2018

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I know the song says the most wonderful time of the year is the Christmas season, but one of my favorite times is Spring.  I love seeing the trees get green and the flowers start blooming!

 The flowering trees are suddenly popping open.  This is a flowering crab at my Dad's house.

It's not just trees - the dandelions are also popping up!

I love seeing the wisps of green in the woods as the leaves start to open.

 In our backyard, the dogwood is in full bloom.

 And, there are a few tulips that the moles haven't gotten to in the front yard.

Beauty all around!


Doris said...

I love spring! Most of the trees are now with leaves and our backyard is secluded once more :)

Anni said...

Simply gorgeous Mari. Yes, a perfect season!!

Anonymous said...

The crab apple and dogwood trees are so pretty. I also love the tulips. It's nice to see color in the landscape again.

Jean said...

I agree!! Seeing new life and COLOR after a long winter gives ME life!!

Linda said...

I was thinking the same thing yesterday while walking through campus, smiles.

Arlene G said...

Isn't God good to give us seasons thet we can enjoy?? Just when we tire of one, we have another one to look forward to!

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

It is so nice to see green and flowers instead of all that snow. I love spring too. Have a blessed day my friend.

Jenny said...

Idyllic. I think I say this every year, but I'm amazed at dogwood trees in Michigan. I think of them as growing only in the south, haaaahahaha! We lost our side-yard dogwood in that hurricane last fall and I miss it so much. Your tulips against the white picket fence are charming. xoxo

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I agree. Spring is a wonderful time. Would be better if Father Christmas brought presents again. And in Summer and Autumn too !!!

God bless.

Sally said...

I love it also, Mari. It's very pretty there where you live. Like Jennifer, we lost our dogwood also. Your photo's are so nice. :)


Terri D said...

I love the flowering trees! Ours here were done by mid-March so it is lovely seeing yours! Thanks for the tour!

Patsy said...

So happy you are getting spring now.
Hard to think June is coming next month.

Brooke said...

I love looking at pictures of spring far more than I like experiencing it in the allergy-filled real world. Thanks for sharing a glimpse!

Henny Penny said...

I agree! Spring is just the most beautiful time of the year, after a long winter of things being brown and dead. I enjoyed your two sweet granddaughters in your last post. They sure like the flowers too, don't they.

Laura said...

It's so much fun! Walking around and seeing new things growing and blooming every day. It seems funny that my two favorite seasons are spring when everything is coming alive, and fall when everything is dying! And of course, they're the two shortest seasons!

Beth (A Mom's Life) said...

I love all the photos! Spring is finally here!!!!!

Cherdecor said...

I agree with your love of spring. It seems like our trees leafed out in two days. It happened so quickly and it made me happy!