Did you ever have one of those days? I'm sure you have; we all do!
I had one on Sunday, just a crazy day.
I always get up at 4:45 when I am going to work. This gives me time to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes before getting into my regular routine.
So - on Sunday, my alarm went off and I got up, laced up my shoes and went downstairs. As I passed our family room down there I notice the clock. I back up and look again and realize it says it's a little before 3. Hmmm...
I go back upstairs and sure enough, these clocks say its a little before 3 too. I now realize that when I set my alarm the night before, I somehow set the regular time forward.
Back to bed... At this point I have 45 minutes before I have to get up again and I keep waking up and looking at the clock.
Soon, I'm up again and on the treadmill for real this time, then into the shower. When I go to put my glasses back on I hear a little pop. Oh no - something happened to the stem of my glasses! They are no longer sitting straight. When I put them on, they don't sit straight on my face. This is not good because I have bi-focals. I'm now looking at the world through a different prescription on each eye. I resort to taping the stem. Kind of nerdy, but I'm not feeling cross eyed now!
Off to work. When I arrive I find one of my little ladies had a little problem during the night. This means I'm starting off with lots of paperwork and phone calls to make. She's ok though!
As I do my morning med pass, I stop and chat with a new resident. He's a sweet guy, and he's telling me how much better he is feeling since he got here.
I continue the med pass, when I hear him calling out. "Someone help me, I can't breath." He is suddenly very short of breath and feels a heaviness on his chest. His oxygen levels are falling and he is scared. The ambulance arrives and takes him back to the hospital, and I'm praying he is going to recover from this.
Another of my ladies is rapidly declining and I have to tell her family that it may not be long. Even when that news is expected, it's still hard, especially for the spouse.
The day continues with more crazy things; nothing earth shattering, but you wouldn't believe the paper work we have to fill out for the most mundane things.
Afternoon comes and another of our ladies is sure that someone has stolen a blanket from her bed. In reality, her sheets were changed and the blanket went to the laundry. She thinks it was a "dirty girl", a 5 year old who is way too young to be a "stealer". This is a common report from her, so I tell her I'm making a report and we'll take care of it. Usually this works, but today she's not settling down. She wants to wait at the front door for the "cops". They will be bringing her blanket back you see. She even thinks she should wait outside or go after it.
Finally she is pacified with the report that the police are helping with an emergency and will come to her when they are finished. She agrees to wait in her room.
At this point my day at work is done. I go home and take a short nap which helps make up for my earlier rising in the morning. A walk outside with my hubby is a nice way to unwind after supper and the day is soon done.
I think tomorrow will be a calmer day - hope my alarm clock goes off at the right time!
been there done that,Big Time Hug.
That does sound like a crazy day yes! I just wrote about my crazy day on Saturday, but it doesn't compare to yours!
I read your blog this morning, got so tired I went back to bed. lol
At least you can blame the early rising on the alarm clock...when I wake up at that ungodly hour it's 'cause mother nature calls and then I'm wide awake. hehehehehe
Oh dear, what stressful time at work, I know just what it's like with paper work...seems to never end.
And the nerdy glasses just made me giggle. I liked that scenario. Not, I'm not laughing AT you, just laughing. LOL
Hope your day IS better today tho.
And the cops...tell her, they're her friends.
I so admire you nurses who work and give not only your time, skills and effort to the job but your HEART!!! You have a big, wonderful heart Mari and you make your Lord & Savior proud.
Oh my, you have a great schedule going on... tread mill first thing... I could never do your job.. I panic too easily.
I would not like more than one day like this.
Boy oh boy! Sounds like quite a day! Sure hope it gets better...
I have SO had this kind of day before! And for what you do daily in caring for your patients, thank you! My mom came home this morning from her 11-day stay at a skilled nursing center (and is much better now), and most of the staff there were so good to her. It's hard being in a place you badly don't want to be, so having people like you there means the world to them!
yikes! hopefully no repeats of that horrible, no-good day any time soon.
Yep, we've all had days like this, and aren't we glad they are few and far between! :)
I totally get the whole paperwork thing too. When we were houseparents the paperwork required was incredible! I complain a bit about what we have now, but it's nothing compared to what we used to have!
I've had many crazy days like this. Somehow we survive them, don't we? I am so impressed with how early you wake up to do the treadmill before work. Somewhere along the line I lost the get-up-and-go I used to have, and I desperately need to find it again.
Hope you are having a better week since this post, what a crazy day.
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