
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad!

I've been so blessed by the family I was born into. I was given Christian parents who worked hard to raise us knowing God, knowing how to work and with lots of love!
My Mom passed away 7 years ago, but my Dad is doing well - happy and healthy!
It was my Dad's 80th birthday on Friday, and on Saturday my brother, 2 sisters and I had an Open House for him.

Here's Dad before the open house. I don't think he looks 80 and he sure doesn't act it!

Some of the pictures we had set up. The picture on the left is my Dad and his younger sister. He came from a family of 10 kids. (He was the fifth) One sister died as a child and his oldest sister died a few years ago but the rest of his siblings are all living and in good health.

One of the cakes at the open house.

Dad and Ann. They got married a couple of years ago. Her first husband died about 10 years ago and it's a blessing to all of us to see them together. They both had happy first marriages and all of their kids are happy to see them enjoying each other.
Don't you think they are cute? :)

This is me with my Dad's sister Esther.(the same one that was in the picture with him as a child)
Those two got into a lot of trouble as kids and if you look at them now, you can still see the mischief in their eyes!

Here's a group of the grand kids. I'm thankful that they have remained close and all get along well.

My Mom had 9 kids in her family, but only one sister. This is her sister Jo.
Uncle John, Aunt Jo, Dad, cousin Lori and her husband Dad

Two of Dad's brothers - Alan and Henry

There was lots of talking and reminiscing.

After the Open house was done we took a picture of the whole group. This is the whole family except Heather who is in Myrtle Beach with friends and Andy who is in Afghanistan.

We had fun seeing some of Dad's old friends, army buddies and family members. I know Dad enjoyed himself too!


Unknown said...

80 years old! He looks great. I am wishing him the most wonderful year. I am happy he found love again. It is wonderful when our parents are doing well. I fear the day my parents are ill and elderly. I just love them so much and can not imagine life without them.

Your party looks like so much fun.

Sue O said...

What fun photos. Your Dad looks healthy and happy; what a blessing for you and for him.

Karin said...

He sure does look younger and full of joy and life! Awesome! Happy Birthday and many more years of awesome blessings! What a lovely tribute and party you gave him! Family photos - so much fun!

Terra said...

These photos show a healthy and happy family and what a great tribute to celebrate your dad with a party.

Connie said...

Looks like you had a great time. I'm wondering who Ann was married to before your Dad. She looks so familiar. Also it is so wonderful when the family all gets along so well.

Rae said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. He looks fantastic - a really young 80 year old. Looks like it was nice celebration. I enjoyed your photos.

Donna B. said...

What a handsome father you have! He and Ann are very cute together. May all his wishes come true! Happiest of Birthdays to him!

Mari said...

I love the "Dad and Ann" story! I think it super-duper special that they found love TWICE! So cute...

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...I felt that I was there with you at your Dad's 80th!! That was so super. I bet he was thrilled and ever so happy.

I do hope you sent the photos to Andy and Heather. Too bad they missed out. But that is the life of a proud and happy family such as yours.

And to answer your he does NOT look like 80!!!

;) said...

Happy birthday to your Dad... It's nice to see your family is so happy...

Anonymous said...

He does look great, I hope I look that great at 80! What a great family legacy for you all too, I love marriage and family success stories!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday to your dad and he does not look 80. I love the story about him and Ann. It is wonderful that they found each other for a second chance at love.
Your family photos are great.
What a nice tribute to your dad and that he was able to have so much family around him.

Brooke said...

looks like yall gave him a great birthday!! :) and he & ann are so cute together.

Ms. Bake-it said...

Happy 80th Birthday to your Dad!
No, he does not look 80! He looks great and, yes, he and Ann look cute together. What a large family you have! I am an only child and cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to have that many siblings! I do have a lot of cousins and we are all pretty close.

~ Tracy

Lynn said...

This reminds me a lot of my family. You're right....your dad looks great!!!

Susan said...

Looks like a grand and wonderful time.

septembermom said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome Dad!! I'm glad that the open house was such a hit. Great pictures Mari.

Saija said...

wow, what a blessing! you guys all look great - and your dad definitely doesn't look like an 80 year old! i'm glad he found someone to spend those twilight years with - and they really do look cute! :)

Patti said...

You really are blessed with a great family! I agree your dad does not look 80 years old...he does well!

Aspiemom said...

I never would have guessed that your dad was 80! He looks at least 10 years younger. I'm glad he has Ann, that's neat.

My grandmother was the middle child of 19 children. 9 brothers and 9 sisters!

Kim said...

How fun! What a blessing to have a close-knit (and close by) family. Congrats to your dad!

Jenny said...

Happy birthday to your dear dad ... and yes, he and Ann are cute! I am happy for him and for your family.

I was reminded of Psalms 16:6 "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."

Crown of Beauty said...

Hi Mari
This was such a refreshing post to read, with all the pictures and the write up about each one.

Missed greeting your dad, but am greeting him now.

I don't regularly open my dashboard, but today I did and scrolled down to visit every blog friend I am following.

Your dad still looks great at 80.

I enjoyed my visit here today.

Thanks... you have such a loving family.
