This past week was Nursing Home Week, so many fun things were planned. The excitement started out on Monday with a limousine ride for some of the residents. What a thrill is was for them, some who had never been close to a car like that. A bowling tournament was also started, using a Wii. Our administrators children are home schooled so were able to come in and assist with using the Wii. The residents really enjoyed this new technology. Our kitchen also prepared many special meals and snacks this week.
Wednesday was pet day. Many animals came in to visit. This is always a fun thing. We have residents who may not respond to much, but will perk up when they get to pet an animal.
Here you see Brady and Sophie. Sophie is my daughter Laura's dog. Heather went and picked her up so she could come for the visit. Brady belongs to one of our dietary aides and he has stayed with Laura and Aaron before so they know each other.
It's hard to see in this picture, but the animal in the foreground is a miniature horse. She stands about 3 feet tall and is so cute and well behaved. She was actually abandoned and left to die. The women on the left nursed her back to health and now she is somewhat of a therapy animal. Her name is Joy and that is what she brings. Our residents where all so happy to be able to pet her. We also had rabbits, miniature goats, kittens and more dogs.
Thursday there was a picnic that all the residents families were invited to. This is always a big hit.

Thursday there was a picnic that all the residents families were invited to. This is always a big hit.
On Friday we had an antique car show. The residents really enjoyed this too. I heard many saying they remembered working on them or starting them.
This beautiful car belongs to our own Dr. He visits every week and calls daily to check on our residents. He completely restored this car and it is in mint condition.
What a fun week - lots of work for the department heads and staff but thoroughly enjoyed by the residents!
What a fun week - lots of work for the department heads and staff but thoroughly enjoyed by the residents!
Sounds like fun! I wish I had been around to see more of the activities, but it was nice to see the pictures :)
Great job, Ya gotta love those activity gals for all their planning huh? Tell Ruth I said hello:)
What a great week! It is always nice to have something different for the residents to look forward to when the routines of being in the same place every day start to wear on them.
Kids have the same effect as pets on perking up most folks. :o)
Sound like a great week and a really nice place to work! Glad you all had a great ime.
That is so nice for the people in your nursing home. What fun!
Nicely done! I bet the animals loved all the attention, too, so it was a double blessing.
thats so cool that you are able to do stuff like that for the residents. especially when they have to deal with people like you on a daily basis.
Now first, let me say I think you know who your nicer two kids are...
Second, I can't believe you don't know how to spell your grandogs name! It's Sofie. :)
Third, that is the cutest stinkin pony ever and I wish I could have seen it!
I'm glad you had so much fun last week! Sofie really enjoyed coming.
Mari- what a wonderful week for those residents.
I often hear horror stories of how residents are treated in homes... knowing this home plans something this wonderful assures me that the quality of care offered there is above standard.
As for how much you enjoyed the week... I think it is a mirror of a very biblical principle. It's in the times that we give of ourselves, out of our abundance, to others... that we find we've actually received.
That the Lord has met our needs... filled us with joy and grace- so that we can continue to give.
Continue to be blessed this week Mari.
What a lot of fun for the residents. Is this just once a year of more often. That Sofie dog sure is a cute one! I love that little pony too.
What a great week! Lots O Fun. Love the cars.
Nursing home week activities are always a big hit for the residents. Glad to see their smiling faces and reactions to the animals. Nice pics!
Joy is so cute- thank goodness she was found and nursed back to health.
It is so wonderful you guys do this for the residents - I'm sure they look so forward to it.
That is so sweet! I am amazed at how much you guys did for your residents! What an amazing nursing home you have! I am sure they all enjoyed every minute of it! Thanks for sharing!
Love the fishing story that you entered on my blog.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend.
oh it sounds like you had a nice week!
It sounds like a fabulous week with wonderful activities!
Looks like a fun & busy week. I love that all those people brought their animals, what a blessing for the residents.
I went over & said hi to Andy. I'm looking forward to learning about his life in the army.
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