
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary to me!

Today is my blogging anniversary! It's been one year since I started this blog. It's been a great year. I would never have guessed when I started how much joy I would get out of this venture. I so appreciate your advice, humor, devotionals, pictures, prayers, recipes and your friendship. I wanted to do something to thank you so I am having a giveaway! I don't know how many of you have heard of Dr Randy Pausch, but he is a man who is dying of pancreatic cancer. He gave a very inspiring lecture on things he wanted his kids to know. It has now come out in a book. I really enjoyed the video I saw of him and I think the book will be good too, so I bought one for me and one to give away. There will also be a gift card to Starbucks.

Anyone who leaves a comment on this post will be eligible. I will pick a winner using the random number generator to choose the winner. You don't have to be a blogger to win - just leave a comment and some way I can get in touch with you. This includes all lurkers, like Jim H, or Patti's Mom!
The winner will be chosen on June 4, so sign up!
Below is a video of Dr Pausch, so if you haven't heard of him you can get an idea of what he says.

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Melissa said...

One year! That's great! I love reading your blog and you always have great things to say! :)

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I really like what I have heard of him.

I hope you have many many happy blog years to come!

Megan Cobb said...

Happy Bloggiversary, Mari. I am so happy to know you and benefit from your generous, loving, wise and witty self. Please promise us many more bloggiversaries to celebrate! :)

Hugs - M

Perri said...

I've read a bit of his book - it's awesome. Today is my wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to us :)

Justabeachkat said...

Happy lst anniversary Mari! Congrats!

I posted about Randy awhile back. He's an inspiration for sure. I don't have the book, but would sure love it and you KNOW I love Starbucks! LOL


Shelly said...

Hey Maribeth, I listened to the video. Wow! makes one speachless for a while and think about things.


Bonnie said...

Sheesh, it feels like forever since I've been by to visit ! Happy Blogging Anniversary !! One year, eh !? That's great !! I have seen this lecture and loved it ! I wonder how the book will be ... Have you started reading it yet ?

A Stone Gatherer said...

Happy Anniversary Mari! I saw this guy on one of the news magazines, and he actually gave the speech when we were in Pittsburgh I think! Wish I had known, the kids and I almost went to the college there one day! I would love the book and what can I say I love Starbucks!

Diane said...

That book looks old - is it first addition? Also, it would be really nice to win this since the drawing will be on our 20th anniversary! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari...

I have been a lurker for a long time with your blog just enjoying your thoughts, etc. I really enjoyed Randy's talk when it was first out - what an incredible guy!

Zaankali said...

Happy Blogiversary!
I have heard this guy speak, he is amazing.

Lynn said...

I enjoyed listening to the clip you posted here, but he doesn't mention anything about his faith. I am assuming that he is a Christian......maybe I just need to listen to more or read the book. :o)

Congratulations on your blogoversary! I am very happy I've found you and have been blessed by all that you share.

Cheri said...

Happy Anniversary! Time flies when you're having fun. So glad you the blog world- who knew that within that year your whole family would be blogging!

Cherdecor said...

Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I, for one, am so glad you are blogging.

It is heartbreaking to see someone so close to eternity and entering it without Christ. This man certainly is on a high! All of our good words and helpful wisdom is as filthy rags. When he said that he had a death bed conversion, then made a joke of it, I realized that he was missing the TRUTH! If he hasn't died already, let's pray that someone gets the Truth to him before he passes.

Terri said...

I can't believe it's been one year for you already!
I have seen him before. The book should be interesting too.

Mary said...


Happy one year blogging. I haven't made it to a year yet, but have met so many wonderful people here. You are one of them.

I enjoyed the video. Yes death is a part of life and it is inevitable. This man is amazing.

Thanks so much for your kinds words about my aunt. Your prayers mean so much to me.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I am one of the blog lurkers, I've enjoyed reading your blog from time to time. I too have heard Dr. Pausch speak, what an amazing story and legacy he will leave. I haven't read his book yet but would love to! Oh, and happy blogversary too!
Jenni, California

Rebekah said...

This is an amazing video. I would love to read the book

Happy Blogaversary! Its been a pleasure getting to know you.

AlaneM said...

Happy blogaversary Mari, I look forward to see where the next year will bring you!
What an inspiration Dr Pausch is, I'd never heard of him but now I'm hooked. I'd love to read that book...and starbucks goes without saying :)

Earen said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! I have enjoyed getting to know you through your blog..oh, & thank you for your very sweet comment yesterday on my blog! You're awesome!

Chelle' said...

CONGRATULATIONS MARI!!! I am so glad to be a part of your blogging journey. I love reading your posts and praying for and with you when you list requests.

Please enter me for the contest... though to be honest, if I win... I'll need you to pick a second winner for the book. I am still a bit sensitive to books written by people with terminal illness or about people with terminal illness (Tuesday's with Morrie)

But Starbucks... I'm all in for some Starbucks.

Congrats again dear friend.
Here's to another year!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just realized I've passed my two year mark!

So glad we've connected through our blogs.

Put me in for the drawing. If I win the gift card I will invite you and Sarah and we can have a girls night out...woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blogversary!
Keep up the good are doing great!♥

Pat said...

That should be happy blogvresary to us who read you!
I believe that since I also live in Michigan I should be moved to the front of the line for winning that book....or maybe it's to the back!
So glad we "bumped" into each other in blogland!

Anonymous said...

Mari, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!I love your blog, and thanks for helping me when I started blogging:) That video is awesome, My dad died of pancreatic cancer so I can relate..(tears).. I would love the book, If I do not win I will buy it. Again thanks for being such a blessing to us out in blog land:)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog and I am thinking seriously about getting started myself. If I am picked for the book please pick again as I don't feel I should be the winner.
I have heard the book from TV. He is leaving quite a story for his kids. Patty's Mom (Connie) You can't call me a lurker anymore. Ha Ha

Unknown said...

Happy Blogversary!!!! A whole year, WoW!! I really enjoy your blog and thanks for helping me to start one too..
I would love to read this book, he sounds like an awesome man, I have not heard of him before but really enjoyed the video..

LeslieW. said...

Happy blogiversary! So glad to have you in bloggie land.

Sadie said...

Holy cow that's a lot of comments! LOL! Happy Anniversary! You have an amazing blog and I really enjoy it all!

Anonymous said...

Well, count me in! I'm always up for a freebie. :)

Happy anniversary! Keep blogging away!

He Knows My Name said...

congratulatins mari! i have certainly been blessed by your blogs and recipies. i have seen randy twice, he is one amazing man. God Bless you in your second year of blogging!!! ~janel

Renee said...

Happy Bloggy Anniversary!! I am so glad to have met you through the bloggy world.

Susan said...

Happy happy blogiversary....Isn't this the best vehicle???

I'm glad I found your place today.

:-) Susan

sharon brobst said...

I have so enjoyed your blog...even if I haven't posted much lately...I love spending time reading your thoughts.

Congratulations on one year and winning my giveaway...what a treat!

Dena said...

happy happy joy joy

that man is incredible - the fact that he is still alive is awesome - that's what daddy had and he lasted like 6 months! it's a rough one!

Amy said...

Sorry Mari - I don't know how I missed this! Please include me. Congratulations.

Short Stop said...

I really thought I had commented on this. Oh boy, I think my brain cells are being replaced by grey hairs.

I can't even tell you what a blessing you are to me. You are one of the most encouraging people I have ever been priveleged to know. Thank you for sharing your blog and for always commenting and encouraging me. It means so much.

Did Ginger say girls night out??? Can we still do it even if she doesn't win??

Beth Cotell said...

Happy Blogoversary!

I enjoy stopping by and checking out what's happening in your life and I always appreciate it when you stop by mine!

Grace Acres said...

Happy blogoversary! This a great idea, I will have to keep it in mind for my one year.