My tip for today is something I started recently. The blogging community is a family of sorts and we share all kinds of things on our blogs. Often people share about someone who is sick, changing jobs, having trouble at school... You know what I mean. When I see these things I like to pray for that person, but later I may forget the exact situation. So - I decided to get a small spiral notepad to keep on my computer desk. When I see the need, I jot down who it is and what the situation is. Then when I say I will pray for someone, I don't have to rely on my poor brain to remember.
I can then transfer them to my regular prayer journal and see them crossed off when the prayer is answered!
That's what works for me. For other tips, visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer.
That's a great idea Mari, I keep a piece of paper just to jot down names but I also go ahead and say a prayer for them right away, so that even if I forget later in the day, at least I've already said one prayer :)
Great idea! I pray as I read it and try to remember, but eventually my brain just gets too full. I need to do this. Thanks.
I really need to do this. It's a great tip!
Wow, you are amazing, Mari! Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing that and for sharing your tip.
What a great tip!! I need to do that.
That's a great idea Mari! Thanks for posting it. I need to get better at having a prayer journal!
What a good idea !!
I think this idea was the one that made me come visit you the first time. I loved it then and I love it now. I still need to implement it myself. Thanks for the reminder.
Great idea- it is hard to remember them all sometimes!
Mari, I started this same thing shortly after starting to blog. I found it was a great way to remember my blogging friends. I had a few photos of blogging friends from Christmas cards that I created a cover with. It really is a great way to keep them in the front of our minds.
That's such a great idea. I always have it where someone will ask for prayer or a situation comes up and I'll think - I need to remember that. Then a while later I'll hear the prayer was answered and I think - oops - I never prayed. So that's a great idea - I almost need to carry one in my pocket though! :)
This is a wonderful idea, thank you.
I've done this too, and found it so helpful to have it at my fingertips instead of trying to wrack my brain!
Great idea!
Excellent idea. I often use notepad on my computer. Hugs!
great idea. the reason i started my blog was for prayer requests (it has evolved over time to include other things). i found it easier to track them and then i could share it with more people rather than sending out emails that i would forget about. i have categories on my blog for the prayer request, prayer updates and praise reports. please stop by sometime, as you know, we can never pray enough or be prayed for enough. take care and God bless,
I was hoping nobody would be offended by them, so either nobody was, the people that would have been offended didn't read it, or the people that were offended didn't comment to tell me! Lol...
That sounds like a good idea!
That sounds like a good idea!
This is a tremendous idea! Just last night I was rolling around in my mind all the people and things that need prayer, wondering if I've been faithful to pray as faithfully as I should. It's so sweet to know that you do that for others... maybe even me one day! ;)
I love that about the blogging community, too.
Now that's a useful tip!
Now, where did I put that notebook? I saw a little one that I can put right here...
I'm right with you...if I have to rely on my brain-forget it! I've just been stopping right then and there are praying...but often I'll forget to pray again later...you have a great idea of jotting it down!!
PS. Actually a friend just recently made the comment that she believes one day she will see my words in print (a book). I've not really thought about it. They are just my words, my thoughts from my heart....but I'm alway open to what God may do.
thats a great idea. I know I have prayed for fellow bloggers and, like you said, its easy to forget who and why you were praying for
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