On Thursday it will be three weeks since Andy left for Basic Training. It is one of those things that seems like it just happened and at the same time seems like he has been gone forever. We have had 2 phone calls since he left which have been quite frustrating. He is allowed 2 minutes to talk and both times the reception has been horrible. We have started getting letters from him, but he has very little time so they are short. He seems to be in good spirits from what I read in the letters. He throws in a few things that show his typical humor. We have started mailing letters now that we finally have an address and have been sending out something daily, so he always gets some mail. I know some family members have been mailing cards also and I am sure he appreciates it. He is now in week 3 which doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me. (Of course I can't see myself thinking any of it would even be okay, much less fun!) This week includes bayonet training and the gas chamber. The army web site that tells us what he is doing says "As week three begins, the recruits must rely on sheer determination to meet the mounting physical and mental challenges of the simulated combat scenarios. " For more information on week three go here. I have a website I go to that tells me what the weather in Columbia, South Carolina is like and it isn't a pretty picture for this week. The high temp for the next few days is 101 degrees with a heat index of 105. Now, this does not sound like a good time to be outside, much less doing exercise! So whats a Mom to do? Of course I tend to worry a little (or a lot!) However, I know that they take plenty of guys and put them through this and I'm sure they know what to watch for. I also know that Andy's heavenly Father is taking care of him, so that leaves me to just keep praying for his strength, safety and endurance.
"Lord, take care of Andy - give him wisdom, commen sense and good people around him ... bless other through him ... and keep him safe ... in Jesus name ... "
good thing the Lord knows i meant "common", tho' i spelt it wrong!
I will continue to pray. I was born in Columbia, SC and my parents aren't far away.
It's good to know that so many people are praying for him too!
Goodness. I'm over here feeling on that edge of crying, and when I read saija's prayer I just lost it. It is so good to know that many are thinking about him. It seems like he's been there for a long time now, but when I count the weeks he's not even to the halfway point yet and that is depressing. Soon this will be all over.
We're praying for him too - and also for you guys. I know this is a difficult transition for you all to make. And I'm working on a letter to him now.
I'm so late at leaving this note but I feel just the same as the rest of these ladies... We do lift our service men each day in prayer at my house & now I have someone I can pray for by name...
Hi Mari,
I have a funny to share with you. Our son went in to the army at 18 right out of HS. After 3 weeks of basic trainig he didn't like all the rule so he walked in the office and gave his 2 weeks notice he was quitting. Of course they just laughed at him. They looked and him and said we have you for 5 years now get back to work.LOL
He made it through that 5 years and has reupped for 5 more years.
He spent 2 years in Iraq.
I will pray for Andy.
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