
Sunday, July 30, 2023

What's happening here

 I have a few random pictures from my camera to share with you.

We have just listed my Dad's house to sell.  It's a bittersweet moment.  My parents built that house about 50 years ago so I have many memories there.  However, we know the time has come for another family to enjoy it.

We did a little work there before listing it.

We were doing some painting and landscaping work. Laura came to help and brought Alaina and Ruby along. We were painting the garage which had never been painted, just drywalled.  The girls were thrilled to help with that and they did a good job! The garage looks fresh and bright after several coats of paint and primer.

Here's Ruby helping Bob with wood chips.  Alaina was helping with landscaping too.

Here's the front of the house when we finished.  We did paint one bedroom inside too, but the rest of it was ready to go.  Now we just wait for a buyer.

On a whole other note, this is a meal Bob made last week(Hawaiian Chicken over rice).  Since he's now only working a few days a week, he's been trying to make supper occasionally.  This is quite amazing because until recently he only made grilled cheese and an occasional omelet.  He's doing good and I really appreciate coming home and having supper ready!

Do you remember that in the Spring, Bob built a raised bed behind our house for a few plants?  It's doing great!  This is our harvest on Friday.  We've also gotten several green peppers and lots of fresh basil.  I love having fresh produce right outside the back door!

I've told you all how much I like my job.  This is a side benefit.  Our building is next to a golf course, and we get to enjoy wildlife.  This is a little fawn that's been showing up occasionally.
I have a lot to be thankful for!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. I think it is so great that your whole family worked together to get your dad's house ready to sell. Bob is multi-talented. That dinner he fixed looks really good. So glad you like your job. That makes going to work a lot easier. I hope you have a great week. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The house is really lovely. and it looks perfect for an older couple as well. Looks like you had some hard workers!! Those tomatoes are gorgeous!!

roentare said...

It is so great to see everyone helping out with the garden

Catherine said...

Thé house is ready to sell, the girls and you did a good job! Bob will be a good cook his recipe sounds good. I wish my husband could cook a little…we are fortunate to live in the countryside, such beautiful wildlife !

DUTA said...

Nice house! Good Luck selling it to the right buyer!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh those tomatoes look heavenly, Mari! And that pineapple chicken dish! Wow Bob is such a renaissance man. Who knew. And the girls helping with your dad's house remind me so much of Dagny, who has been helping TG on jobs in a similar way! She loves to help. I praise the Lord when I see children willing to be servants. That is such a blessing. Praying now for a thrilled buyer to come up to you and say Take My Money!!!! Haaahaha xoxo

Prims By The Water said...

When I ask my Bob to cook, he asks which chef (restaurant) I would like to go to so kudos to your Bob for making dinner. Wish we had some wildlife, but now that we have a dog, none come around anymore. Cute fawn. Janice

Billie Jo said...

Hello! The house looks lovely. I am sure it is a hard thing to do, knowing your parents shared a lifetime there. Praying a new family chooses to do the same soon. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I bet it was very bittersweet going through the house a last time and giving it the tender loving care your Dad & Mom did building it all those years ago. It's such a charming home and I have no doubt whomever gets it will feel surrounded in love. 💗
Yay Bob! I bet he's earning lots of great points for cooking. Lol I know it's sure been a treat having Matt cook, as it was never my ex's thing. Maybe you need to have a regular Bob's recipes feature. 😉
And your tomato game sure is strong Lady!! Wildlife out the window is always a perk, in my book, no matter where you are. 😍

Suemn said...

Hi Mari, The front yard of your dad's house looks lovely. I bet the house sells fast. You'll always have your memories of growing up there. Bob did a wonderful job with that dinner. It looks delicious. Your tomatoes look perfect and make me wish I had planted a couple tomato plants. Homegrown tomatoes are the best tasting.

Terri D said...

Those girls are growing up so fast!! I hope the house seels quickly for you all. Those tomatoes look SO GOOD! I miss home grown tomatoes. Bob's meal looks delicious! Mari, have a great week ahead! xo

Jeanette said...

good luck! In this market your dad's house should sell fast!

Kim said...

That's a lovely view from work. I think about all the people that stare into the concrete jungle on a daily basis...I think it makes for a tense work day. I hope your dad's home goes fast, it looks lovely.

Doris said...

Bittersweet for sure. I'm sure the house will sell quickly!
How nice that you see wildlife at work! We just love all we see in our woods behind the house...and an occasional wild turkey walking in the street =)