
Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Day in my Life

Happy July!  Here's how the first day of the month went for me.

It was a Monday, so I was up early and off to work.

On my way to work, a beautiful morning, but only 43 degrees!  That's really cool for July.

Pretty little pond along the way.

I come in earlier than the others to open the office and take any early emergency calls.  I turned my little calendar to a new page.  I started the day with several calls from the after hours service.
We have 6 nurses on most days, on this day one was on vacation so it was busy.  We all answer phones and all have different jobs assigned to us. My job on this day was the in-basket.  This is where all lab notifications come into, we call and notify families of results and any new orders. This is also where notifications come from all of our doctors and nurse practitioners. They send us orders for referrals and anything else they need done for a patient.  Our providers aren't usually in the office, they are in facilities seeing patients, so their requests come over the computer.  I get to talk to lots of nice patients, family members, other offices - and occasionally a grumpy person too.  :)  Our office is a geriatric practice and I so enjoy talking to our older patients, many in nursing facilities.  Most of them are a joy!

In the middle of the morning, I had to go have an ultrasound done.  This place isn't far from my office and my supervisors are very nice about things like this.  I've been having some stomach issues and they were checking things out.  I was only gone for 45 minutes!

These were our visitors outside the window on this day:

A mama and young woodchuck that we see nearly every day.

One of the deer that visits us.

Our acrobat squirrel came to say hello.

In the middle of the afternoon, my doctors office called, said they had the results of the ultrasound and I have gallstones and will need a surgical consult.  So, that's good news - they found the cause and it's not serious!

I left work about 4:45.  It was very nice, the temp was 73 degrees.

We had an easy supper, a grilled panini sandwich.  I had turkey and bacon, Bob had ham, turkey and bacon. Yum!

We usually wander through the back yard to see what's blooming.  This is a new bed Bob put in this Spring so it's still being filled, but the red flowers in front are called Crocosmia's and we're so happy to see them blooming!

I got my first tomato!

Bob had to go to a meeting at church, I enjoyed a little time on the porch.

Then I finally got to putting out a few things around the house for the 4th.  This shelf is in our living room. I was pretty late this year but better late than never, right?

After that I relaxed, caught up on the computer and did some reading.  Bob was home shortly after 9.  Short meetings are good.  :)

It was a good day at work, the report from the doctor was good and I had a nice evening.  I'm blessed!


Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great pictures, especially of all the critters.
I've never heard of crocosmias before, but they look very pretty.
Glad your stomach issues are not anything serious.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! I am so glad that your report from the ultrasound is something that can be taken care of. Surgery isn't fun, but lots of people have and quickly recover from that type of surgery. You yard is beautiful as always. The sandwich you had for dinner looks delicious. I hope you have a very good week!

Katerinas Blog said...

I'm glad the cause of the pain was found and it's something relatively easy. The backyard is very beautiful and the red flowers are wonderful! The pond you see on your way gives you peace! Have a nice week Mari🧡

Ginny Hartzler said...

You sure live in a place filled with lots of beautiful nature. I had gallstones maybe 15 years ago, and had my gallbladder out. It was laparoscopic surgery, in and out the same day. Easy peasy.

roentare said...

All these fresh produces are so green and refreshing

Catherine said...

Glad the ultrasound’s report is good, but gallstones can be very painful. Grilled paninis are so good! Nice garden tomatoes I wish I had some!

R's Rue said...

So happy for good news

Sparky said...

I'm glad to hear the Doctor's report on the ultrasound was good. Maybe you've got IBS now like I do? I have to stay away from most veg's (leafy ones mostly or anything raw). My salad days are over. Oh well. That's OK. I'm mostly carnivore now anyway. God made us to eat meat. That sure improved my health.
Please send the cooler weather our way. Lawdy it's hot and humid in Gawga! lol
Blessings. 💙

Dianna said...

Our first day of July sounds good. Glad that everything went well with the ultra sound. Praying for you, my friend.

Jeanette said...

Sounds like a great first day of the month! I love that you have creature visitors at work!

DUTA said...

May the whole of July be a good one for you, Mary!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I enjoyed spending your July day with you! I am happy your ultrasound found your issue and that it is not serious. I pray for surgery soon and for a quick recovery. Those squirrels are something else, aren't they? It's hard to be annoyed when they are so cute! Have a lovely week, my friend. Stay cool!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds like a busy but wonderful week. So glad your test results weren't too bad and that there is a plan to take care of it. Praying for you as you go through all of that! Love the pictures of your drive to and from work and your beautiful yard/garden! You live in such a lovely place! It's nice that your husband likes to garden! Also that it is so cool there, which makes it much more pleasant to work in a garden! That is something that I do miss by living here in Florida where it is SO hot and humid in the summertime. But this too will pass and we will enjoy fall and winter while everyone else is cold! LOL. I enjoyed your post so much. Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures!!

Barbara said...

Such a delightful post, and I learned more about YOU and the kind of work you do. Very interesting.

Gall bladder surgery -- I had that in 1994, laparoscopic. It was an easy surgery for me and I will pray the same for you. I have never regretted having had it done.

Terri D said...

Mari, I am glad your report from the doctor was good news. Gallstones are usually an easy fix (if surgery is ever easy). That panini looks delicious and so does that tomato!! I love that you can see all the wildlife from your window at the office. Thanks for the photos you shared and I am so jealous about those temps!! xo

HappyK said...

Sorry to hear about your gall stones. Seems like that is a problem for quite a few people.
Nice to read about your day. You have a nice drive to work.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks for sharing your day with us.
I was pleased to read that the ultra-sound scan showed up the problem, at least it can be treated.

The squirrel photograph made me smile, we have similar ones that like to visit the garden :)

All the best Jan

Simone said...

What a beautiful home you have filled with gorgeous flowers and trees. I'm glad that the results were manageable. Here in Oregon, we're having an extreme heatwave! Too hot to get out and enjoy the view!

Veronica Lee said...

What a lovely glimpse into your day, Mari!
It's wonderful to hear that despite a busy day at work, you still found moments of joy with your backyard blooms and visits from the local wildlife.
Wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgical consultation for the gallstones.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Always love these posts and to see how you spend your day - work life and home. So happy to hear you have an answer for your pain and it's not serious!! 🙏🏻💕

Prims By The Water said...

How nice to see nature all around you. I like my drive through the marsh because every day it is something different out there. Just wish I could stop and take pics, but no parking and the police patrol constantly through there. I love your patriotic shelf too. Janice

Jenny the Pirate said...

Sounds like an idyllic day all except for having to go into the hospital for a test! Ugh! But you are in good hands and soon the issue will be resolved. Many are praying for you my friend, including me! Yes, better late than never. I have such a riot of patriotic decorations in and on my house that I fear I'm going to get sick of them the moment July is over. Then I'll switch to sunflowers for August! AUGUST!!! Whaaaat? And I cannot BELIEVE you had a 43-degree morning in July! That is unbelievable! We're in the 80s all NIGHT long and only dip into the high 70s at dawn! Then the temps zoom right back up to near 100 again. It's pretty hot. But we're six-odd weeks from September! Let that sink in. xoxo