
Sunday, September 10, 2023


Last week we had another reunion. This one was with Bob's family. He has 5 siblings, 2 sisters and 3 brothers. His brother Tom has been hosting this for the last 3 years, as he has property with lots of space to hike and play. We had a nice group there, most everyone who lives in the area came.  We even had Bob's Uncle and Aunt there, his moms only living brother, so that was an added treat.

We started off with supper in the garage, grilled hot dogs and brats. There were more people on the other side of the garage.

Cassie was more interested in the stones outside than eating.

Alaina and Ruby enjoyed supper though.

After supper we headed to the back yard.

The kids had fun playing some games, although Cassie may have been messing up this one!  :)

There are hiking trails and a stream down this hill, so lots of people took advantage of those things.

While the older girls were checking out the stream, Laura was playing with Cassie.

One of the boys had to show us the frog he caught.

When the girls came back they were calling for me to take their picture.  This one was an accident, but I thought it was kind of cute.

Here's the picture they were asking me to take.

Soon, everyone gathered around the fire pit.

Kids can find simple ways to have fun!

Most everyone enjoyed some ice cream.

Tom used his drone to get a group picture with Uncle Neal and Aunt Linda sitting in front.

Soon it was getting dark, and it even started to sprinkle.  Time to go home!  This was the sky as we left.
It was a nice evening with family.


Deb J. in Utah said...

What a fun family reunion! Bob has a nice big family and it's wonderful that you could all get together. I hope you have a great week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This looks like the perfect reunion to me. Good food, things to do, and catching up. The drone photo is so good. And I love your accidental photo!

acorn hollow said...

What a wonderful gathering! I love to see kids being kids.

R's Rue said...

Looks like fun

Suemn said...

What a fun family get-together. I wish I had a garage as nice as that:)

My Tata's Cottage said...

What a fun day! I love the picture of the girls legs. So sweet. I always appreciate you. My son-in-law Zach's twin sister and her husband and three little ones live near Grand Rapids. I will ask where his mom moved to. His dad lives out there as well although the parents are no longer together :-(
You take some super great photos thank you for sharing and Happy Monday!

Jean said...

What a great place to be able to host large groups! I can tell it was a wonderful time together. I would have enjoyed seeing a picture of Bob with his siblings. Did you happen to take one?

HappyK said...

Sounds like a fun time with family. :)

Judy said...

I love family gatherings! I looks like you all had a beautiful day for your reunion. The leg photo is cute :)

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello my Lovely! I'm playing catch up on all of your posts, as I've been a busy gal lately. I love seeing reunion pics like these. Family is so important. Looks like it was a wonderful visit! I love the accident pic - sooo cute. ;) xo

Terri D said...

How absolutely wonderful!! I love big family reunions and hope your families continue to do them. So important. The girls are all so cute and isn't Cassie a lucky girl to have big girl cousins to learn from!! I love this post, Mari!!

Prims By The Water said...

Yes kids will always find something to do. Looks like you had a wonderful reunion. We did not have ours this year. :-( Janice

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my word that looks to have been a perfectly idyllic day! I love the picture of the girls' legs and feet. SO cute. xoxo

Catherine said...

Avery nice family reunion you must have had a very nice day together.

Barbara said...

What a great party and made so much easier with big property and good weather!

The last time my family got together for Thanksgiving dinner, we ate in my garage, too! With 11 grandchildren, all adults were more comfortable with this special "dining room."

The walk through the flowers was beautiful, too!

Debi said...

Looks like you had a perfect day! We've been hosting a family party on the 4th of July for the past 40 years. This year was our last year was time to let the next generation take it on!

Kim said...

These are the kind of lovely summer days I remember most from childhood. I know your grands will remember them as well!