
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grrrrr.... Mini rant time!

Do any of you use Google Plus?  I've heard of several people who had trouble with their blogs after signing up for it, so I've avoided it.   However, it causes me trouble when someone who uses it comments on my blog.  I can't see their blog or content unless I'm in their "circle" and I can't comment unless I'm a member.
When someone comments, I like to visit them and this doesn't let me.  As a matter of fact, if Terri D. is reading this, I've tried to visit you several times, to no avail.  :(
So - if you visit me here and are on Google Plus, maybe you can leave the link to your blog and I can find you that way, because clicking on your name isn't working.
That's the end of my rant.  :)   Does anyone have any advice for me?


Sandra said...

I don't use it either Mari and have the same problem. I can never get to their blogs or contact them, it drives me insane lol

If you figure out a way around it, let me know :)

Betsy Brock said...

It's really hard to get to someone's blog through the google+ page! I hate it! I have, on a few occasions, had luck by clicking on their 'about' link. Then on that page you can see their blog listed. But it's hit or miss.

Terra said...

I am in the same boat with you, I don't want to join google plus so can't see those blogs. I have heard some people say negative things about it, so haven't signed up.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I just wanted to say I'm having the same problem as you. It's very annoying, but I don't want to sign up for Google+, either.

LL Cool Joe said...

I hate Google Plus and I'm having the same problem as you, and some blogs are now demanding that I have to be on Google plus to comment, so I ended up setting up some fake id because it pissed me off and I'm stuck with it now! I have a horrible feeling that soon we are all going to be forced into using it. I still have glitches too, like I can't unfollow any blogs. Even ones that have now closed. It's crazy.

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem! I did finally find Terri D's blog - she had faithfully visited me and my sis and we had a hard time but here is her blog:

CAROLDEE said...

I have two blogs..I have a gmail account and am on google plus. I access people's blogs while not on the google plus. I believe you have been to my blog
AND So It Goes On many times regarding BARN CHARM.. my other blog is one at Wordpress I have had both for years and several people that go there are on google plus.
I use something called Bloglovin that tells me when people update their blogs. Your little blue bird made me laugh this morning so thanks for that! Hope this helped some.. :-)

Pat said...

I'm with you...don't like it don't use it.
Give me the simple life!

Brooke said...

never encountered google+
hopefully you can get it worked out!

Brooke said...

ps - your "rant" is so tame its cute :P

Hootin Anni said...

Oh Mari...I feel your rant, and I hear you loud and clear. It's a pain in the you know what, and I can't understand why Blogger decided to do this ---afterall, if they're depending on advertisements on blogs and revenue, why keep us from following and being able to visit MORE?!!! It's beyond me.

Just Mom said...

That's one of the reasons why I've never been interested in joining Google+. But maybe there's a simple fix....

Jenny said...

No Google Plus for me. I can't even figure out LinkedIn.

Christine said...

I'm a bit "slow" when it comes to computers and I don't even know what Google + is, oops.
Love the picture of your, anger bird. said...

I don't understand but on a whim, hit the update to Google + and that was a big mistake. I don't like it at all. I don't know how to get to blogs nor do I like being notified of my circle of friends. I don't even know what having a circle of friends means. I wish there was a revert back to normal key.

Anita said...

I'm with you, Mari! Someone who I've followed for years is now on Google + and I found out all of what you've said. One day, I decided to experiment and ended up posting her post on my blog! I quickly deleted it, but people who subscribe to my posts got it, read it, and were very confused.

Unfortunately, as LL Cool Joe says, we'll be forced to use it soon, I imagine. Hopefully, our patient blogging friends will write several posts giving us a step by step tutorial.

acceptance with joy said...

I signed up for google plus.... then because I am a foster parent and I was in a very delicate situation with three children I had to make sure I could not be found. I went and changed my name on google plus to a nickname and that FINALLY allowed me to revert back to my pen name on my blog. Then, because they don't allow nick names my google plus account was deleted. WHEW! I am free again. What a mess that was.

Anonymous said...

I hate it tooo!!! that is why i ALWAYS try to change my comment ID using open ID, because it defaults to my google account.