
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Floods and treasures

I got a call from my Dad Sunday night telling me that they had a problem at their house. My stepmom had gone downstairs for something and found about 2 inches of water covering the floor. He's never had this problem before, but apparently a tree root had grown through the drainage system, allowing ground water to get in.
There are 2 finished bedrooms in the basement, along with a family room. All the carpet had to be taken up and padding needed to be scraped off as it was the type that was glued to the cement. Insurance didn't cover it because it classified as flood damage.
So - he needed help, and that's what family does! Monday evening, all of us kids, along with our spouses and a few grandkids came over. We pulled carpet, scraped padding, pulled down wallpaper and got rid of all the damaged things into a big dumpster.
Dad had some professionals come in to protect the rest from any mold and make sure things were dried out.
I did come home with some treasure though. The picture above shows 2 of the 3 tables I have set up in my basement that are covered with letters. They are letters that my Dad wrote to my Mom when he was in the army from 1956-1958. Mom had saved them, and they got wet in the basement. I spread them all out on tables and it looks like they are going to be ok.
We were thrilled to see this piece of family history. What a treasure!


Sadie said...

Treasure is exactly right! What a neat thing to find, and I love how you found something positive in a negative situation. What a great family to pull together! :)

Connie said...

Your Dad & Mom taught you well. Help when needed. And what a treasure - you are going to have fun reading those letters.

Brenda said...

What a blessing to your folks to be able to help so quickly...and receive such a neat treasure to boot! Glad things worked out. said...

I love that you all pitched in to help. Most of all, that you were able to save those precious memories.

Rae said...

What a terrible experience for your dad. It was so nice that all of you pitched in to help and getting those treasured keepsakes somehow made it all worth it.

A Stone Gatherer said...

A blessing in the midst of a flood! How cool!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

What a treasure!
Priceless :-)

Nancy said...

What a treasure in deed on many levels; the letters, the face that you guys live close enough to go and help and that you want to help and that she caught it before it got any worse....blessings galore.....

I know you are so glad you found the letters....what a treat for your whole family.....

Have a great weekend...

Penny said...

Oh, how awesome!! That is definitely a priceless treasure!!

Hootin Anni said...

I am so glad to see that you got to take home and save all those wonderful, treasured, letters!!!! They are priceless. That's really sad about insurance, y'know? I seems such a waste of money sometimes. Why do we pay the premiums when 'the act of God' is something that they just don't pay out. So, so frustrating. I hope there is minimal damage and mold doesn't appear afterward. My heart goes out to them.

And, ps....Mari? ---I found those Deluxe Jr. Mint 'haystacks' at Target in the holiday candy aisle. Look for them...they're soooooooooooo good!!!

Shelly said...

Sad about the flooding at your Dad's house and that insurance don't cover.
What a treasure you did find! I bet you will enjoy looking through those.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am so happy I jumped over here from Jill's place I was thrilled to see those "love" letters that were saved you must be so happy. I am sorry your parents basement was flooded.
Those letters are of more value than anything else I am sure of that.(special) B

Kim said...

How wonderful!

Ivan's dad saved ALL correspondence and my SIL is using them as she works on a family history. When we cleaned out mom's house earlier this summer after she moved into a retirement village, we collected all the letters and gave them to Rita. While going through them, she came across a letter Ivan had written to an old girlfriend when he was a teenager :)

Justabeachkat said...

So sorry about the flood. Yikes! But sweet friend, I'm so happy for you to have benefited by getting to save those precious letters.

Happy weekend!

Zaankali said...

How sweet that she kept all of them!

Jean said...

I have such horrors of flood damage after what happened at our Lititz house right before we sold it. I'm so sorry that insurance won't be paying for your Dad's recovery costs. But he's really blessed to have his children nearby to help.

What a neat find. Glad they weren't too damaged.

Jenny said...

Wow. A floodgate of love!! I'm glad the root cracked the drain even though it was lots of work for you all. You got an opportunity to be there for your dad and now you have these letters! Wonderful. I guess that's a lesson in taking whatever comes calmly and with faith that God is working!

Raise Them Up said...

It was wonderful that you were all able to go and help. I often wish I lived closer to my parents to help when things go wrong.

That's a LOT of letters! Wow! Are you going to be allowed to read them? :) So neat!