
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Carvings and a giveaway!

Bob's been busy doing some commissioned carvings for people, and has also done some for a craft fair. When I've posted his carvings here in the past, people have asked me to post some he is selling, so I decided this is the time. I have a selection of his carvings posted. No two are alike, and I hope you enjoy them.
Because it's the end of the year, the prices are marked down! The sale price is shown; there would be a shipping cost added.
If you are interested in purchasing them, just send me an e-mail ( and we can arrange it.
Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom, because he is giving away one of the carvings to one of my readers!

Here are some "Light bulb heads". These ornaments are each 2 1/2 " tall and come in blue, green and red. Each face is different. They are $5 each or 3 for $12.

This Santa head comes with the display hook. I think he is kind of classy looking.

Here is a view that shows the way he is displayed better. He is 10" tall and his cost is $25.

This one is called "Skinny Santa". He is 7" tall and costs $20.

Isn't this a cheery St. Nick? His name is "Happy Santa" and he is 6 1/2" tall.

I love the way he looks with his hands in his pockets. He costs $25.

The picture of this guy doesn't do him justice. He is so cute!
His name is "Big Red".

He is nearly as wide as he is tall. He measures 5 1/4" tall by 3 3/4" wide!
His cost is $25.

How do you feel about pirates? This one has a lot of character!
He is 8 1/2" tall.

Here's a close-up so you can see his gold tooth and earring.
He costs $35.

This electrician has zapped himself! The brass nameplate says "Shocking". He is 9 1/4" tall and he costs $50.

Do you know any Firemen that would like an unique gift for Christmas? This is an old time Firefighter. You can see him looking up, probably at the top of a building, planning how he's going to fight this fire.

This shows a few details of his head and chest. He is 10".

I wanted you to see the cobblestone street he is standing on. His cost is $50.

Last, but not least is this old time St Nickolaus. He's got his knapsack thrown over his back and his staff to help him walk.
He is valued at $30 and is going to be given away to one of my readers.
All you have to do to win is leave a comment with a way for me to get in touch with you if you should win. For an extra entry, post about this giveaway on your blog and leave another comment telling me you did that.
We will draw a winner next Sunday evening and it will be announced here next Monday!


LuAnn said...

What a gift he has !!! AMAZING

SusanD said...

Love, love, love these Santas. That hubby of yours is super talented. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD said...

Bob does such wonderful work. I looked through a carving magazine at the store just recently and thought of Bob and how talented he is. Thank you for such a generous giveaway.

Kayren said...

Love the Santa for the giveaway! Bob does great work. Thanks to both of you for giving one away.

Sue O said...

You know how to get in touch with me if I win!

Connie said...

Oh I love to win! The sheep we purchased are so cute. Great talent!

Momma Roar said...

What an amazing talent!! I enjoy looking at them and all the detail.

*pick me*

Sadie said...

I LOVE these! I soooo want a santa and the fireman! I will have to remember this! He does some amazing work! Comment on my blog is I am chosen! These are amazing!

mariel said...

these are absolutely ADOBRABLE, mari!!! I love them all!!! I would LOVE LOVE to win anything he made!! how fun :)

Shelly said...

Bob does great work! He is so talented! Every single one of them is very cute! Unique in their own way.

Susan said...

These are soooo amazing. Yes, please put my name in the hat!!! Thanks.

Terri said...

He does a great job - I can't believe the ideas he comes up with.
(You don't have to enter me name though - I think family is always excluded in drawings :)

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, how I wish I could afford to buy each and every ONE of his Santas. I so love 'em and they would fit into my horde. LOL

Count me in on the giveaway. I pray for a chance to have one of his incredible works of art!!! If my name is drawn I'll send you an email since I don't put my contact info out on the 'net for just anyone. Hope that's okay with you both.

Oh, and I'll list your giveaway on my sidebar happily. Anything to get a 2nd chance at St. Nickolaus [by the way, I love how he has it spelled!]

Sadie said...

Left a link to your blog on my blog! I sooooo want St. Nick!

A Stone Gatherer said...

We can't wait for Steve's dad to see his statue. I would sure love to win another one of Bob's works!!!! All the santa's are so cute!

Unknown said...

Bob is so talented, those are all really wonderful and each tells a very visual story... The Giveaway St Nickolaus to beautiful!!! Just in case I win you know how to get ahold of me...

Kim said...

We have a thing for St Nick :)
Dear friends host a St Nicolas party almost every year and he is also currently writing a book about the real St. Nick.
Bob does such a beautiful job! I'm sure you will sell out in no time.

Brooke said...

you've got a super talented hubby on your hands :)

Cindy said...

those are amazing-thanks for sharing them with us! I would love to win!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to be entered into the drawing for the St. Nick carving!
Brian and Michelle

Mari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Please enter us in the drawing - Curt and Brenda

Sue O said...

Posted a link on the blog.

Lindsay Z said...

I came promptly from Sue's blog. What talent!!! Fingers crossed!!

Lindsay Z said...

Whoops, I'm at

Cherdecor said...

My computer has been acting up and I would have missed this post had Nancy not told me you were having a give-a-way. I didn't see a post about it. Thanks to Nancy or I would have totally missed seeing all of Bob's carvings. He is so gifted at carving and probably anything that has to do with wood for I have seen your bedroom furniture. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found your blog. Very nice carvings, I would love to be chosen as the winner of the hand carved St. Nick! In case I win, my contact info is as follows: Thank you and Merry Christmas!!!!

Jenny said...

Ahhhh, you know I love the pirate! I can't buy him for myself right now! But I hope when I can afford him, Bob will make me one!

Radke said...

Came straight from Sue's blog. I love these carvings. What talent your hubby has!

Raise Them Up said...

Mari, I'm always amazed to see his work. What a gift to be able to create such fun detail!

Taggart Photography said...

Oooh! I just came across your blog via Sue's blog. I am in love! What talent! I would LOVE to win!

Anonymous said...

Mari put my name in the hat thats a cool peice 4818840

Nancy said...

What an amazing gift he has your hubby.......These are wonderful and the detail in them is amazing......
I would love very much to own one of his pieces so please put my name in the hat.......(and then draw it..hahhaahah)

Merry Christmas to you my friend.....

Rusthawk said...

Very very special. I would love to own your husband's St. Nick.

Sharon said...

Those are amazing. Your hubs sure is very talented. I would love to have one of his carvings.
So please put my name in the hat.

Pat said...

Oh my gosh...I don't see a comment from me on here! If I'm here twice, delete me!
I love the carvings, your husband is beyond talented. There's not a single one I'd turn down!!

Melissa said...

Bob is SO talented! We'd love to add St. Nick to our Christmas decor!

Melissa said...

I just posted about the giveaway on my blog too!

NanaNor's said...

Greetings, What incredible workmanship! I collect old fashioned Santas and my grandkids celebrate St. Nick so I would cherish it if I won.
Thank you so much!

Rebecca said...

What a generous give-away! I can DREAM, can't I????

Crown of Beauty said...

The carvings are so unique and special. Bob's creativity shows, I loved the Fireman standing on cobblestone. Did Bob make the cobblestone himself?

Please count me in for the giveaway. In case I am picked, I do have a US address...

My email address is

circle_inn at yahoo dot com

Thanks, Mari!
