
Thursday, November 5, 2009

A day in the kitchen

I had a busy, but productive day in the kitchen this week.  Our local grocery store had a coupon, that gave you $10 off a $50 purchase.  I had already gotten my regular groceries, so I decided it would be a good time to make some freezer meals.  I ended up spending $45 for my purchases.

The stove was busy boiling pasta and simmering sauces.

Here's the result of a day of work.  I made 2 batches of sloppy joes, 2 pans of Spaghetti Casserole, 2pans of Crowd Pleaser Casserole and 2 pans of  Freezer Swiss Pepper Steak.  It's great to have these meals stocked up in the freezer and I think that's a lot of food for the money I spent.

Then I made these Pizza rolls from my friend Betty for supper.  Mmmm!

Finally I made two pans of these bars; one to give aaway and the other one has also made it's way to my freezer.
I was tired when I was done, but I felt good about what I got done!
*PS - I'm off for a few days with my sisters for our annual shopping expedition, so  I won't be visiting your blogs, but will be back next week.  See you then!


Kayren said...

Yummy, especially the cookie bar.

Was it a Meijer's coupon, and if so, how'd you get it (at check out or somewhere else).

Brenda said...

It's so nice to come home and all you have to throw together is a salad or veggie.
I've done the OAMC, only I just doubled 2 weeks worth of meals. Hard work but well worth it in the long run!
Have a great time with your sisters.
God bless!

Kathy said...

Inspiring as always, Mari! Have a great time, and maybe some rest time with your sisters.

Bonnie said...

Wow !! THAT WAS A PRODUCTIVE DAY !! woo hoo. I love days like that ! Is that bar on your cooking blog ?? I'll have to go have a look. Looks like something I might like to try.

Stayathomemommy said...

The food looks delicious! I would like to invite you to my holiday recipe swap on Nov. 13 If you get a chance please swing by I would love to have you join.

The Stylish House said...

I will be heading directly over to Betty’s to check out this yummy pizza recipe. Concerning the M&M bars, you are an evil temptress! I just started a diet to loose the 10 pounds I gained since starting blogging.
Enjoy visiting with your sisters!

Mary Lee said...

Those pizza rolls look tasty! Have a fun time with your sisters, I will be at your house raiding your freezer....just kidding.

Hootin Anni said...

With all that work you did in your kitchen, YOU deserve some time off. Have a lot of fun.

Pat said...

Now that's a productive day! What a good feeling it is to have accomplished so much...makes you sit down and say ahhhhh!
Have a fun time on your trip!

Grandma Elsie said...

It all looks so yummy. You deserve a break dear girl...
In the kitchen all day is tiring and I find it more so as I get up in years .But I still like it.
You wouldn't be sharing those recipes now would you ?
bet my daughter would love them. What is a crowd pleaser casserole ?
Elsie <><

Mary said...


You got a great bargain and did a terrific job. Lots of meals in the freezer and this always helps after a long day at work.


Kim said...

Well done! I used to get together with a girlfriend and we'd spend a day cooking up a storm and filling the freezer. It was so much fun! A freezer is one of the things on my wish list, and it's even higher than a dishwasher :-) I miss the freezer we left behind, but it gave us almost 30 years of great service. I would have brought it but the difference in electric (220 rather than 110) wouldn't have made it practical.
I am SO happy for you that Andy gets to come home for Christmas!!!
Loved your WFMW idea!
And the photos of the leaves -- gorgeous! Sorry that Bob has to keep cleaning them up, but they are so pretty when they first fall.
Hope you have a wonderful time with your sisters!

Anonymous said...

My Friday's post mentions you...I forgot to link to your blog...grr...I guess I could go back and add it. Think I will.

The M&M bars made my mouth water :/

LOVE the prepared meals in the freezer you did. NICELY done!! :))

Anonymous said...

Wow Mari!! What a productive day and I am sure in the days/weeks to come you will be so glad you have those ready made meals in your freezer!

Beth Cotell said...

Now that's what I call a productive day!

Heather C said...

That's a good kind of tired! I'm so proud of you!

Justabeachkat said...

What a nice feeling you must have to know that you have so many things ready at your fingertips when you need it. It all sounds delish too.

Enjoy your time away with your sisters.


Rebekah said...

You go, Girl! I am right there with ya. I made 2 lasagnas, 2 tetrizzins and 2 meat loafs. Chuck watched as I put all 6 items in the freezer and asked "Well then whats for dinner?"... lol. I did have a little left over that didn't fit into the pans, so he enjoyed that

Sandra said...

Well you definitely put in some good hours in the kitchen and look at all those yummy meals. Way to go Mari :)

Mindy said...

You really got a lot done and all those meals sound delicious! I really need to try out this freezer meal thingy.

Raise Them Up said...

That IS great! Having some meals all done in the freezer is a great feeling. I need to do more of that.

Enjoy your time off!

Anonymous said...

Whoa girl, you ROCK! I just barely get one meal on the table. Now, the bars I could handle, but the amaze me!

septembermom said...

Have fun with your sisters!

You're amazing in the kitchen :)

Really looks great!

Lynn said...

I hope you ate some of those M&M certainly earned them after all that baking!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

yummy goodness there!

Sharon said...

Hi Mari, Sharon Seidel from Olathe, KS here.

I love your website,and your pictures are fantastic! I can see some of them in a frame on my walls! I especially like your bench and trees, and those glass buildings are fabulous. Of course, I really like all the rest, too. It would be hard to pick just one.

For your chicken recipe, what seasoning packet do you use? I looked for it and didn't see it.

Kendrah said...

When I get a little more energy I need to do this :) What a Fantastic idea. perhaps I should have thought about this before radiation...ha!!! The cookie bar looks wonderful. Love all your reciepes. Thanks for sharing.

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