We are back from our vacation. We had such a good time. We enjoyed each others company and the beauty of God's creation.
I hope you are ready for this because I took lots of pictures!
We left our house early on Thursday morning; drove through Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and ended up in Nebraska.
I hope you are ready for this because I took lots of pictures!
We left our house early on Thursday morning; drove through Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and ended up in Nebraska.
We continued on our drive, heading through Colorado. Early in the afternoon we made it to our hotel where we were greeted by our main reason for the trip:
After settling in the hotel, Andy took us back to his base to show us around.
Andy then had us start climbing steps. He said it wasn't bad, but there were a lot of steps!
It was worth it though. When we got to the top, we saw views like these!
This is looking out over Colorado Springs.
Our first day there was wonderful and there's lots more to see.
More pictures coming tomorrow!
Wow! I really enjoyed seeing all of your photos and am glad that you could visit Andy. Looks like Bob is right at home in that helicopter.
I've never been to Colorado, but have always wanted to go. These photos make that yearning even more prominent. Very beautiful.
Have a great week, my friend.
It's beautiful! I've been to Colorado once, and I had a stinky camera. That was in 1989, so I don't even think they did digital then, and my little automatic was not even a 35mm.
You are right about his view out the hangar...no complaints. I'm curious how the winter will be for him, although after growing up in Michigan I can't imagine it will be too bad.
I'm excited to see the rest of your pictures. I'll also get you your five words soon. Glad to have you back!
It looks like you had a wonderful time...would have loved to try out those steps!! I REALLY need to get more active...just haven't felt motivated lately :( Did you go inside that tunnel? or was it only for cars to go through? It does look spooky! p.s. I'm glad you're back! :)
Gorgeous scenery! I know Andy was thrilled to have you there and to be able to show you around.
I'll look forward to seeing more from your trip.
Welcome back!
What fabulous photos, they are so good. I'm glad that the view at the top after all the steps was so worth it. What a precious family time, lovely!
Wow, Where to begin, first off all the stuff dad is wearing is all the body armor I have to wear from time to time. And secondly I didn't make you climb the steps, I told you it was a little bit of a walk and you wanted to go. Don't try to blame that on me.
Welcome Home!!!!!! Seems ages since you've been gone. Looks like you had a super trip [I didn't doubt you would Mari]
And yep.....Good ol' Colorado!! Bud was born in the Springs and all these views look mighty familiar.
Loved your share, but most of all, glad you had a good time and a safe trip.
Welcome home! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say "we missed you". Great pictures, looking forward to seeing more.
Great pictures.
May GOD bless and protect Andy!
Great pictures.
I'm glad Andy could get some of your story straight! Glad you could have a great time and vacation with Andy. What a beautiful place.
I'm glad Andy could get some of your story straight! Glad you could have a great time and vacation with Andy. What a beautiful place.
Gogeous pictures- a beautiful trip. Glad you got to spend time with Andy.
did you drive through north or south indiana? I would have loved to met up with you just to say hi in person.
welcome back! your pictures are gorgeous and i'm sure you were glad to get to visit with andy.
I've missed you, but I'm so thrilled to see your pictures and see what the wonderful adventure and visit you had.
I love the pictures, I've never been to Colorado, but have heard how beautiful it is. Most of all, I love the pictures of Andy and Bob, Lots of love and pride going on there!
The pictures are wonderful. We all missed you. So glad that you had a great time. I'm going to show my kids the pictures from Andy's base. I know my sons will say, "COOOOL!"
Glad you had such a good time! Love the pictures!!!
What a beautiful trip you have experienced. So many things that some of us may never get a chance to see, but did because of your wonderful photos.
I love the tunnels! Were you able to drive through them or simply walk through?
Can't wait to see even more in the coming days ahead.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation with Andy. The pictures are wonderful and I love your new blog look!
Welcome back!
Such lovely pictures, loved the cottage, the falls, the father and son hugging each other... everything.
Thanks for sharing.
Looking forward to seeing more.
Wonderful pictures and I am glad you have a wonderful trip!
What a wonderful trip! Love Colorado, especially the area around Colorado Springs. Spectacular scenery and the climate isn't half bad :-) Andy's looking good; I reckon he likes Colorado a little better than his last posting? Sounds like y'all had a great time. Superlative!
Great pictures Mari! I can't believe they let Bob sit in one of those! How cool!
AWESOME!!! You took some amazing pics. I know y'all are so proud of Andy -- he must be terrific!
Love your pictures! Thanks for sharing them.....I also love your new lay out. Cute! Take care,Patty
Glad you are back! Beautiful pictures.
I know you had a fabulous trip! The pictures are great... now time for laundry.
Welcome home Mari - I missed you!!
Your trip looks and sounds just wonderful. Thanks for sharing your pictures!!!!
What beautiful pictures! That first one is breathtaking! Looks like a great trip...can't wait to see more!
I love Colorado Springs. The antelope feed beside the highways, and the mountains are so big that you feel like you can reach out and touch them.
I am so happy that you were able to drive out there and to see the beautiful scenery, to celebrate your anniversary and to see that Andrew. I bet he is a character.=)
Mari glad you had a good vacation and seeing your son had to be the high spot of it all.
It is good to have you back but I am behind on reading post anyway.
Elsie <><
This post totally made me homesick !!!
What a wonderful visit!
Love that Pony Express building. How cool! I love visiting places like that and the scenery--Wow!
In fact, my whole family would have loved to have stolen away in your trunk! Though my boys would have been partial to the Apache, no doubt!
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