Karen from Karen's Ramblings has blessed me with "The Thoughtful Blogger Award". Karen is a Mom who has a heart for prayer and shares her faith and her life on her blog. It is fun to visit her because you never know what she will post. Stop in and you will find posts that range from devotional writings to spiritual challenges to pictures of fun things she does with her family in New Zealand. Thanks Karen - you have blessed me again!
"The Thoughtful Blogger Award is for those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping others bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others."
Award Rules:
1) If you have received an award simply choose either the dark or light background image and save it to your files, then post it proudly on your blog!
2) Pass the award on to five other people, you can choose any of the awards from the series, you do not have to pass out the exact award you received. Choose whichever of the awards below that you'd like to give out. You can give out one of each or five of the same one, whatever you prefer. ( Awards in this series are Inspirational, Courageous, Charity, Thoughtful & Creative)
3) You can change the size and color of awards to suit your blog, that's up to you, it's your blog, just leave the titles the same.
4) Please link back to this post so that people can read these rules and so that the meanings of the awards will not be lost.
5) If you feel that you or a friend are deserving of an award and no one has given one to you yet then email Christy (award originator) at http://www.sayhitochristy(at)hotmail.com/ and tell her about your website. I had a hard time picking out just 5 bloggers for this but -here are my nominees:
Saija from Thro' A Glass Darkly - Saija's husband has Arachnoiditis and lives with chronic pain. In spite of the difficult circumstances she has at times, she is able to praise God and looks to him for her strength. I nominate you Saija for the Courageous Blogger Award. Jennifer from Where the Heart is - Jennifer lives in Japan and is currently expecting her 7th child. Due to a difficult pregnancy she is currently separated from her family to be close to medical care. She is honest about her anxiety regarding this baby's birth and the difficulty of being away from her family, but is always turning her eyes (and ours) to the Lord who is watching over her and her family. I nominate you Jennifer for the Courageous Blogger Award.

For those bloggers who are battling or have battled with physical and mental illness, those who are survivors of abuse, poverty, or who have overcome other challenges in life. Those who serve in the military or work/volunteer in dangerous situations in order to provide a service or to help others. This award is for the strong, the brave, and the courageous.
Megan from Fried Okra - This girl is funny! Her blog is unique, with the stories, diaries, poems and other fun things she comes up with. I think the description of this award sums up Megan. So - I nominate you Megan for the Creative Blogger Award
For those who bring unique and creative elements to their blogs. For those who incorporate art, music, creative writing, photo's, and other beautiful visual effects into their website. For those who put a unique spin on things and come up with new ideas. This award is for the artsy, the funky, the inventor, and even the rebel. This award is for those creative individuals who stand out from the crowd.
Ginger from Just a Thought - Ginger's blog is a joy to visit. When you are there you can sense her warm, caring nature. She frequently has such thoughtful and yes - "inspirational" posts. I nominate you Ginger for the Inspirational Blogger Award.Jennifer from Gathering Grace - Jennifer's blog is cheery, comfortable place to stop. I am amazed by the things she writes. She often educates me especially in matters of church history and is able to see God's hand in everything around her. I nominate you Jennifer for the Inspirational Blogger Award.
For those bloggers who inspire others through their words and actions. With a positive attitude, and an uplifting spirit these bloggers make the blogosphere a better place, and encourage others to do the same. This award is for bloggers who rise up to set an example but continue to reach out and support others.

Thanks Mari, I am very honored that you have chosen me for this as I first an foremost desire for my blog to inspire and encourage all who stop and visit. Although I add a touch of my fiesty nature to some of my posts I truly hope that God is glorified in all that I set out to portray as a whole.
(I have chosen not to pass awards on as it has become more difficult the longer I blog. Not because there are not many who are worthy of recognition, but because this has just been a personal choice. Thanks again for your kind words :)
well i can see why you got nominated for the thoughtful blogger award! blessings & ((hugs)) to you ... you have cheered my hear many a time with your kind words ...
i thank you for thinking of me for this award, i truly feel honoured ...
blessings sent your way!!!!!
Thanks so much, Mari! You had such thoughtful things to say about everyone, it must have taken you some time to do that! It is greatly appreciated. You are truly thoughtful of others, which is why your blog is so comfortable to us all! :)
Thank you for thinking of me and passing this award to me. It means a lot. It is encouraging to know you are thinking of me. I feel so undeserving of the "Courageous Award" since I feel as though I've been on an emotional roller coaster----it's only been through the grace of God. :)Your little corner of the world brightened my heart!
Stop by - I have given you an award.
Yup, you deserve this - not only as a blogger but as a sister as well.
Oh yes ma'am and HOW! You are thoughtful and sweet and bloggalicious indeed and deserving of honors galore! That's what keeps 'em comin' back. Thanks for the Creativity Award. Shux. (Blushes.) It might be creativity, or you know, it could be senility. Whichever one, it's an honor to be recognized as someone YOU enjoy. 'Cause you're the cats pajamas and all.
Congrats! I think it is well deserved!
Fantastic - you deserve every award you get!!!!
I enjoy reading your blog so much. I think it's great that you took the time to honor all of those people with awards. Congrats to you and it sounds like they were all deserving too.
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