
Monday, August 7, 2023


You may remember that this Spring we had to have a new drain field put in our back yard.  The reason for this was the Maple Tree out there, its roots were growing everywhere and plugged up the drain field. At that time they told us that everything would be ok for a while, but at some point we would have the same issue if the tree wasn't cut down.
So, the tree had to come down.  Bob planted it when we moved here about 30 years ago when it was just a little sapling. It was sad to see it go, but we knew it had to be done.
Saturday was the day.  Bob rented a boom lift from the hardware store, so they could get up to the high branches and cut them safely.
They had to watch power lines, the house and Bob's shop.

Here's the tree, before they started.

Our helpers!  Bob's brother Tom, Bob, Laura, Aaron, my BIL Mark are formulating a plan on how this is going to go.

Getting the boom lift into position.

That's Tom, way up there, the top of that branch is coming down.

As Tom cut branches, and then moved to another section, the rest of the crew was pulling the cut branches out of the way.

Some of the logs were pretty big and took 2 to carry.

Ruby and Alaina were helping too - mostly with the smaller branches.

Here they are waiting for more to be cut down.

I thought Ruby looked cute out there and snapped this pic of her.

Bob found this little inchworm making his way across a branch on the ground.  Alaina was rescuing it.

They put it on another tree in a safe spot.

Here they are hauling branches to the back of our property.

Another branch coming down, only one more left!

Yay - all the high stuff is off and nothing hit any wires, buildings or people!

The girls said they had a branch removal business and made a sign.

The back said "Come again soon".  :)

Making the last cut in the trunk.


Time for a lunch break.

After the yard was cleaned up, there are lots and lots of branches in the back.

And lots of logs to be cut up.

Alaina was cleaning off the stump.  Next on the agenda - putting the lawn in.


The Happy Whisk said...

That would make me sad too. Long time to have a baby tree grow so big. Will you let any of the wood dry and use it for something? Or will it be chopped for fire? Great pictures of all the helpers.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Wow that truly was a momentous day! And a lot of work. I love that the girls made a sign for their own company. So cute.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are wonderful photos of the girls. They are looking so happy! What a dangerous job! We had our huge Maple out front taken down, it was so sad to me. My husband's good friend was recently killed when a tree that was being cut down by professionals fell on him. On the plus side, you may get more light in the window where the tree was .

DUTA said...

Well done work! Kudos to the team! A joint effort brings about good results.
Sorry for the tree, but it was one of those cases where it had to go.

roentare said...

That is a huge job to do.

acorn hollow said...

It was a big job but it looks like you had great help. It is hard to lose the tree but it was making other troubles.

Sandi said...

Beautiful porch!

Those big trees are nothing to mess around with. Best to take them down sometimes.

Sparky said...

We've had to decided between a functioning drain field and a big beautiful tree too. It's hard but it has to be done. *sigh*
Wonderful photos. The kids are really growing up fast, aren't they?! xx

Jeanette said...

Aww too bad the tree ad to come down but it was it's time I guess! Love your two little branch helpers!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I feel as though I were there!!!! Wonderful pictures, of the whole process but I LOVE that idyllic shot of family lunch on your gorgeous front porch. I dearly love all three of your girlies -- you know I do -- but something tells me that Ruby and I could get up to a special kind of mischief. (In a good way, matey! Arrrrghh! Hahaha) and Alaina and Dagny would be thick as thieves, with their artistic proclivities. I love it that those girls are right up in the middle of the work and YES already displaying an entrepreneurial spirit! Dagny is the same way: give her a job to do and she revels in it. Such a treasure of a childhood. I hate to see any tree come down and I know this made you sad. Erica grieved so hard a few summers ago when Chad decided to take a few down in their large back yard, she had to come to my house so as not to witness it! Haahahaa xoxo

R's Rue said...

Great job to all.

happyone said...

It is quite a job cutting down a big tree. Glad all went well and it was done safely.
You see so many crazy people cutting down trees on YouTube and think what in the world were they thinking!!!!

Terri D said...

So sorry you had to lose your special maple tree. My mom bought five live oak trees for our yard when we moved down here. They provided such good shade - and also a mess of leaves and acorns. When we sold the house, the new owners took down all but one. Kinda made me sad. They were 28 years old and a good 40 feet high... I understand. :( Ruby and Alaina are so precious!! Loved the photos!!

Suemn said...

They did a great job on cutting the tree down. I bet it's a little sad for you and Bob that it had to be cut down but for a good reason:)

Judy said...

Oh my goodness that is a job taking down a tree. I love the photos, and the shape of the stump is really pretty.

Kim said...

Wow, that was a huge DIY job and a pretty technical one, too. I'm fascinated by the process and spent many afternoons watching it from my windows, when we or neighbors have found it necessary to remove trees. You had an expert crew and some creative entrepreneurs on your team! I love their spirit!!

Debi said...

Looks like you had some really good helpers for your tree removal! We had two huge pine trees taken down last fall but we hired it out. One false move and our pool or the neighbor's camper would have been goners! I always feel sad when we have to cut down trees...

Prims By The Water said...

WOW what a tee crew you had. Loved the business sign. We had to have some huge maples cut down and glad we did when we did as they were rotting from the inside. Janice

Jean said...

WHAT A JOB!!!! Dick and his brothers have cut down trees. Around here I've watched many come down, but by professionals. It's interesting to see the different ways it's done.

Such great pictures! Your girls are just adorable! My favorite is the one of everyone on the front porch. Your house looks AMAZING!!!