
Sunday, August 13, 2023

Back Road journeys are the best!

 Last week I had an appointment to get my hair cut. My beautician is about 30 minutes from me. When I left her, it was early afternoon and it was a beautiful day. I wasn't in a hurry to get home, so I did one of my favorite things.  I got on the back roads and took as many dirt roads as I could to get home.
I love driving and taking in the beauty around me.  Even better is a dirt road, no traffic and being able to pull over and take some pictures.
Here's some of the sights I saw as I drove.

There's lots of different types of farms around me.  This is a blueberry farm.

I stopped and got some fresh blueberries and peaches!

My favorite type of dirt roads - no houses or buildings, just trees!

The corn is looking great around us.

I love seeing all the wildflowers in the ditches.

Occasionally I saw some cat tails.

I went past a house with this huge cross in the front yard. It had to have been at least 12 feet tall.

There's lots of barns around us.

Then I came to another tree lined road.

I soon came upon this stream. It's so green here, it made me think of the jungle!

These reeds were growing in huge areas along the road.  When I got out of the car to take a picture, they were much taller than me.

Here's where I had to stop.  This is the river near my house, probably about 7 minutes away.  Such a pretty scene!

After this it was time to go home and start making supper, but I sure enjoyed that drive.  

"When traveling through life, make sure you take a few dirt roads."
Unknown Author


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, a gorgeous trip! My favorite is the wildflowers, and the one right before the stream!

Veronica Lee said...

Dirt roads are an incredible way to uncover hidden gems and sights that you won't find anywhere else.

Love the photos you captured.

Hugs and blessings, Mari

Catherine said...

We often do the same. Get out of traffic as we leave in the countryside I love to drive among the forest and fields.
You pictures are very nice and I am sure you enjoyed it.

Linda said...

Beautiful. Have a nice week, my friend.

DUTA said...

Blueberries - say no more. I'll take it all: fruit, farms, pictures.

acorn hollow said...

What a lovely drive home. You saw a lot of wonderful scenery.
I walk a dirt road most days and no matter how many times I have walked it it is still beautiful

R's Rue said...


Suemn said...

What a nice place to live with nature surrounding you:)

Jenny the Pirate said...

You are a country girl through and through. And for good reason! It's a beautiful way to live. xoxo

Happy@Home said...

I would thoroughly enjoy the scenery on your back roads. The blueberries and peaches would be the icing on the cake!

HappyK said...

What a lovely time you had driving along taking in those beautiful sights!!!

Kim said...

You live in a beautiful part of the country and you know how to really take in the sights and enjoy it all!

Sparky said...

Ohhhhh ... so pretty! Back roads are the best, aren't they?! We do them often. I even travel to far off places that way. Try to always stay off Interstates or "major" highways. Wonderful finds and photos. xx

Terri D said...

Such beauty around you, Mari! I call that "going on an adventure" when I turn on a road I've not been on before. ALways fun!! Thanks for sharing your drive with us!

Prims By The Water said...

Those reeds are invasive phragmites and they are killing our cattails over here. It sucks as they are everywhere. So love the back roads and we have barns here too. What is the name of the river y you? Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. I love these pictures and how you always find beauty in the simply places and things close at hand. That 12 ft. cross brings to mind the hymn, The Old Rugged Cross. I hope you have a good week.

Latane Barton said...

I love growing basil but I don't use the fresh much. I just love to have the aroma of the plant near me when I sit on the balcony in the evenings. I've never grown chives...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I too am captivated by old barns. Great photos.

Debi said...

What a beautiful drive! So many pretty places where you live.