
Monday, August 19, 2024

My little entrepreneurs

I have to show you what my granddaughters, Alaina and Ruby have been up to. They told me they had been making bracelets and selling them at the end of their driveway. Then I got a message from Alaina saying "Grandma, we are selling today so you can come if you want, but you don't have to".  Well, you don't have to ask us twice!  Bob and I headed over to see what they were up to and this is what we found.

Here they are with all their signs and products.

They told me they bought this sign at a neighbors garage sale for 50 cents to use on their table.

They had a sale going!

Here's some of their bracelets.

They also have painted rocks.

I bought this rock to put on my desk at work.

They even make their own bags out of cardstock.

I thought this was all pretty creative and a good way to spend their time.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! Wow, I love this! My 10-year-old granddaughter has also been making and selling bracelets. It is so great when kids learn to be creative, productive, and resourceful! I hope you all have a great week!

Chatty Crone said...

I applaud their efforts and hope it was a success. I liked the exact same rock you bought. One craft I had for the girls at church was to paint rocks. Those girls did a great job and I like their jewelry too. said...

They are both so talented! I like their creativity. I hope they were able to make quite a bit from their work.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They were so creative! And I would have bought several of the bracelets, they are really pretty!

Prims By The Water said...

That is such an awesome name they chose to sell their goods and those bracelets are so very sweet. I also smiled when I read the rock. They even made their own bags. So creative. You go girls!!! Janice

Catherine said...

Very creative girls! I like their bracelets I just made one myself yesterday. I hope they sold all of them.

Terri D said...

Wow! Lovely bracelets and that rock you purchased is awesome!! Of course, they get their creative genes from their Grandma!! You have been crafting with them since they were old enough to sit up!! Love this, Mari!! Kudos to Alaina and Ruby!!

Dianna said...

What sweet granddaughters you have, my friend. I don't know many girls their age who would come up with the idea, let alone put in all of the time to make the products and sell them. I'm wondering if they have any bracelets left?

Kim said...

All that crafting with grandma has really paid off!! Look at these two using their creative skills and starting a business. I love it!!

DUTA said...

They've certainly got a future as resourceful business women! Lovely sight of the girls and their table with sales items!

Suemn said...

You have two entrepreneurial granddaughters:) What a fun sale.

HappyK said...

What a fun thing for them to do. Hope they made some money!! :)

Jenny the Pirate said...

Whaaaaaat? You got the best rock! I wanted that one! Hahahaha just kidding this is BRILLIANT and so well executed and the product is gorgeous and I would expect nothing less from Alaina and Ruby! Those two are intrepid! Who could resist those smiles, no matter what they were selling? Simply awesome. Love the end of summer sale xoxo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my goodness! They really are quite creative and very smart entrepreneurs! Even made their own bags! That is very impressive! I wish I could come buy some of their wares. They really did a great job!! Thank you for sharing this with us. Such fun!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Nice looking jewelry.
They did a great job setting up, and their "Jewelry at low prices" sign made me smile.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I love this SO much! The enrtrepreneurial spirit they have. Their creativity with their set up and execution of their plans. And their products! They did such a great job!! Everthing is so cute and you took the rock I would have bought too. 😉 It also teaches them true life lessons. Great job little Ladies!

Katelyn R. said...

oh my goodness! that is so wonderful!! they did such a great job! that rock made me laugh :)