
Sunday, August 4, 2024

A day in my life - August

I know some of you are happy to see August.  I'm really not ready, Summer always seems to go by too quickly for me, so I'm hanging on to every day!  But, August is here, and here's how I spent the first day of this month.

I had the day off from work, so was able to sleep a little later than usual, which is always a treat.  

It was a beautiful morning, the mist was hanging in the trees across the street from our house.

I had a few things to do in the kitchen; including cubing up a watermelon.

I had purchased 5 pounds of ground beef the night before.  When I buy it like this, I brown it, rinse and drain it, divide it into one pound bags to be frozen. Now I have 5 pounds all ready to go when I need ground beef.

I did a load of laundry and then got ready to go to an appointment.

On the way, I stopped at Town Hall and dropped off our ballots for the Primary election next week.

Then it was on to my appointment; it was time for my yearly physical.  That went well, but I was there for about an hour.  They are never quick!

After that, I stopped at my eye doctor.  I got new glasses a few weeks ago and they needed to be adjusted.

I stopped at a blueberry farm that isn't too far away. Blueberry season will soon be done and I love to have them fresh in the house when I can.

I also stopped at a Farmers Market, another favorite place this time of year.

Then it was off to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

I was enjoying the beauty of the fields I passed driving home.  The Queen Anne's lace and cornflowers are in full bloom.

I had picked up a rotisserie chicken on sale at the store, which I shredded and made into chicken salad.

I also made something with the peaches I got at the farmers market.  I'll share that with you later.

We had leftovers for supper, a burrito dish that just needed reheating.

The kitchen was cleaned up and done for the day!

We wandered in the back yard and checked out the flowers.

Do you see the bee, busy gathering pollen?

Then we enjoyed a little time on the porch before heading in for the night.

It was a busy day, but a good one!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Beautiful flowers! Yes, summer has gone by so quickly. I go back to school tomorrow! Yikes. I am not ready. I need at least another month of break! The students come back a week from Wednesday. You had a very productive August 1 and really got a lot done. I hope the coming week is a good one for you! See you again soon.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You got so much accomplished! The flowers are so pretty; what is the purple one? I really love your kitchen! It is kind of like Farmhouse style. The rays of mist in your first photo are beautiful!

Mari said...

In answer to Ginny's question, both flowers are Rose of Sharon, the purple one is not fully opened yet.

Katerinas Blog said...

This summer went by too fast for me too!
Very nice post and with ideas for better home economics!
Have a nice week!

Dianna said...

I think you just may be in for a treat when it comes to hanging on to summer for a while. I've been seeing that fall temps are not going to be dipping but rather holding on to the warmer summer temps. You had a busy first day of August, but it sounded relaxing... well, except for the yearly physical. 😉. Your Rose of Sharon are beautiful.

Catherine said...

I love the flowers I think we call them hibiscus.
You had a very full and busy day. I also made a chicken salad this weekend, because of the heat we prefer to eat salads. I just bought a little of blueberries this morning to make a milk shake.

R's Rue said...

What a wonderful day.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I like your kitchen! Sweetest! All the things you had to do and in record time. Those doctor appointments are annoying with the wait time. I'm always grateful when Avery can be home and we can sleep in. I rise early with him. But I get a lot accomplished too before the heat sets in. I hope something good happens to you today. Take care

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello and happy new week dear Mari! :)
My you were a busy bee on this day. A free day from work...but not really. Lol Love all that you got accomplished and seeing your beautiful garden. I need to get to the farmers markets one of these days. Thanks for the reminder. 😉💕

Kim said...

Mari, I always love your day in the life posts...and I'm with you, summer is too short. I'm hanging on!!

Prims By The Water said...

My you were a busy little beaver. I was getting tired just reading all you did. LOL SO glad you were able to get the things done you wanted to. Those blue Cornflowers I have always called wild chickory. I so love them next to the queen annes lace which we call wild carrot over here too. Janice

Michelle said...

You did have a busy day. I always hate going to the Dr, usually because it takes so long!

HappyK said...

You got a lot accomplished in a day.
Good idea cooking up the ground beef.

Terri D said...

You did have a busy day!! I look forward to your peach recipe. Publix had peaches last week and I almost bought some but didn't think I could use them all. I enjoy our Saturday market downtown but just don't think about going until it's too late. There is another market a few miles away that I should visit more often. They are open all the time. Produce is always better there!! Have a good week, Mari!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I wasn't ready for Bon, shirtless and wearing a necklace. But I will be all right, bahahahahaaa! Your kitchen is SO lovely and peaceful. Such a happy place where I HAVE NEVER BEEN and there is something so wrong with that! YES to that sweet little busy bee and all of your beautiful flowers and fields and misty trees! Ugh I love blueberries so much and am rather fixated on them right now. I eat a huge green salad every day and i love dumping a whole bunch of blueberries in it! They have been gorgeous this year. Can't wait to see what you made with the peaches! xoxo

Mandy said...

Can’t wait to see what you make with the peaches! It looks delish! Your kitchen is so cute!