
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Works for me Wednesday

Wednesday means it's time for another tip. More some great idea's visit Kristen at We are THAT Family.

Do you have trouble with your TV screen attracting dust? It seems like I can dust my TV and the next day, the screen is covered in dust again. I read this tip, tried it and it works!
Take a fabric softener sheet and lightly dust the TV screen. It repels dust!


Nancy said...

What a great all your tips.....

Pat said...

oh I really need to try that! I wonder if would work on my whole house!

Karin said...

Will give this tip a try - had not heard of it before!

Susan said...

This truly is a great tip.

Sue O said...

I wear a lot of black stretchy clothes (8-}) that often get static-y. if I'm in a hurry in the morning I rub down the skirt or pants with a sheet of fabric softener.

Jane said...

You always post the best tips! I love this one. Thanks!

Justabeachkat said...

What? Really?! Wow, I will be doing this first thing in the morning. Thanks Mari.


Alexia said...

I'm definitely gonna have to try this - the dust drives me batty! Does it work on dust in other places too? LOL

LaVonne said...

I had not heard of that. I like it. I will have to try that. Thanks for the tip. said...

I've even rubbed the softener sheets on my dogs fur when there is static around. They sure smell good! :)

Julie Bagamary said...

Great tip for multipurpose dryer sheets.

Kari said...

Oh I've got to try this one. I have that problem. I might try it on my computer screen too. Do you think it might work too?

Connie said...

Great tip - I'm trying it!

Hootin Anni said...

I have done this, and I does work!! Also, if you have a goodly supply of those fabric sheets...rub them on your exposed skin before going repels mosquitoes too.

Sharon said...

I have done this and it does work.
I also use it on my computer screen.
have a great day

LuAnn said...

thanks for that tip Mari !

mariel said...

oooh, great tip!!! off to dust my tvs!!

Anonymous said...

This really is a great idea. Can't wait to try it out!

Raise Them Up said...

Love Pat's comment. :) I'm with her...Lol!

Kayren said...

That's a new one for me. I'm surprised it doesn't leave streaking on the screen, but I'm gonna try it.

I like the mosquito idea, because my kids all get reactions to mosquito bites and swell up, the sites get feverish and knotty, so they have to take Benadryl as soon as they get a bite. It was especially bad for Sparky when she went to Africa, even though she took garlic pills. I'll have to send her with a box of fabric softener sheets next time. Those mosquitos over there probably don't get that April Fresh Scent and won't know what hit them, so they'll either leave her alone or have her for lunch.