Thursday was the first day of Spring! Many of you have read my whining posts about snow and more snow, but it really is coming to an end! We have had above freezing temperatures for the last few weeks and the snow is really melting. Here is a picture of our front yard. Do you see the grass that's starting to show?

I thought I would include a few West Michigan winter statistics for this year.
We had the snowiest winter on record. The last record was set in 1951-1952 and that year there was 85.1". This year we had 94.9", with 41.6" falling in February. (Another record) We also had less sunshine than usual. The last year that there was more sunshine than this year was 1929-1930. It's no wonder we are all ready for warmer weather and the sun! So - welcome Spring! You will find many smiling faces greeting you in West Michigan!
PS - the snow may not be quite done yet. They are predicting some tonight!
I thought I would include a few West Michigan winter statistics for this year.
We had the snowiest winter on record. The last record was set in 1951-1952 and that year there was 85.1". This year we had 94.9", with 41.6" falling in February. (Another record) We also had less sunshine than usual. The last year that there was more sunshine than this year was 1929-1930. It's no wonder we are all ready for warmer weather and the sun! So - welcome Spring! You will find many smiling faces greeting you in West Michigan!
PS - the snow may not be quite done yet. They are predicting some tonight!
Yeah welcome SPRING!!
I'm so excited for Spring!!! Today was absolutely gorgeous!
Bring it on!!! spring can spring any time now!!!
It's been a long snowy winter for you all, Spring most most welcome I would say! Well done on your win from Mels World.
I rejoice with you Mari!!! The smell of Spring is in the air!
Sheez. You're tellin' me. And we're due for 6-11 inches of new snow tonight and tomorrow. Wheeeeeeee!
I'm with you Mari. Bring the Spring. I heard today that we are expecting 3-6 inches this Saturday.
If past is any predictor of future... we'll probably get 2 inches of slush... but cold is cold and I don't want it.
Here's to hoping winter misses us from here on out and we are instead found by mild temps and the sun.
Love ya-
Rockin Robin, tweet, tweet, tweet,
Rockin Robin, tweet, diddly tweet,
I have been enjoying the sunshine. If it snows, it won't stay long. Before you know it we will be getting the pool ready for some splash time.
I hope for you that you see Spring soon. What a long and dreary Winter!!
Hoot Hoot! That's me jumping up and down for Joy! I know we're expecting a little snow, but I'm hopeful! I looking for 50 can anyone say 50!
Yup - I think it's just around the corner. This is great as long as it doesn't come and then desert us in April!
I can't believe you still have snow!!
MORE SNOW? wowsa pack the clan up and move SOUTH! I can't remember the last time it snowed - but I do see some plants! Hooooray for above freezing!
I just looked at your radar above West Michigan. It looks like you are getting snow again. But I looked very closely and I think I see spring on the tail end of the system. (:
I pray it comes quickly for you!!!
I refuse to even look out my window. spoke too soon! I am looking out the window right now and all I see is blowing white cold snow!!! Yuck! So much for the Easter Egg hunt tomorrow, that's a bummer.
Happy Easter and have a wonderful weekend!
Bring it on SPRING!! I am so ready & thankfully here we've been having warm enough weather for my boys to go play outside for a bit! But, here in Colorado we hold our breath for a bit because we usually get snow in March & sometimes April....Glad to see your grass!!
I don't even want to talk about car is smashed!
Whew! FINALLY SPRING! I am so thankful for all of you. Plus now I can post pictures of Spring in my neck of the woods. I couldn't bear to show you our daffodils blooming in the beginning of February. But what I would give to have green grass just showing. My weeds are already two feet tall....ugh!
Happy Easter sweet friend, Joanne
I am so ready for Spring, and our winter was NOT like that, so I am sure you are ready! I hope the weather stays warmer for you!
THERE IS NO WAY I could handle that snow. SO glad the Lord allowed me to be born in AL
OH MY please bring Spring! Here it is the 3rd day of Spring and my part of PA awakens to snow on the ground, hmmmmm but what about the outside Easter egg hunts? Yesterday I took pictures of the tiny spring flowers in my flower bed, I guess today I will take snow pictures yet again ;>D!!
Mari - you better go and look outside again. It's a whole new picture today!
What's up with all that snow!!!
Yikes! I think you guys need to go on vacation to some place warm and sunny! FL is nice right now! (hint hint)
Melissa ;0)
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