I was feeling especially blessed tonight because Heather was doing well enough to attend and also because sitting next to us, was our Pastor who had been away for over a year after being called up from the Navy Reserves. I'm so thankful for answered prayers on Heather's behalf and to see Pastor Paul, smiling and worshiping with us, as only he can do!
One of the songs that we sang tonight really speaks to me. It is a song that I have loved since I first learned it. Our youth pastor introduced it to us several years ago and I often think of him when we sing it. He and his wife really have lived out the words to this song, as they recently lost a son, shortly after birth. Even in the middle of those difficult times, they were able to praise God through their tears. Here are the words to the song:
Blessed be Thy name,
When the sun is shining down on me,
When the world is all that it should be,
Blessed be Thy name
Blessed be Thy name,
When the road is marked with suffering
When there’s pain in the offering,
Blessed be Thy name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Thy name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the glorious name.
Tonight it was easy for me to sing this song. My daughter is returning to full health. Someone we have really missed is back. Everything is going well. The harder thing is to praise in tough situations. I have known many people who have done that and been a great witness. I have been blessed in my life and haven't had great tragedies occur to me, but I can say that God has been with me through things like the loss of Bob's job a few years ago and the death of my Mom. I will say "Blessed be the name" now and I pray that when I am in the middle of tough times, I will continue to say it.
I love that song to, and you are right, blessed is the name of our God in good and bad. He has it already worked out we just need to praise Him.
One of my most favorite songs! Blessed be the name of our Lord!!!
blessing His Name, right along side you ...
We sing this song at church also. Such great words. You know I had a rough week, but I know God is here to get me through it!! Glad Heather is getting back to normal.
Thanks, Mari, for your sweet comments today about my "Memory Lane" post. It thrills my soul to hear of people at your stage of life, with grown kids, people who also married young, and are still happy. I hope that will be me one day. Sometimes I wonder how I will handle the kids flyin' the nest... it encourages me to hear others who have already done it share their happiness.
I also love that you aren't too old to have fun with the young 'uns!! That kind of thing helps keep YOU young, and it helps keep people like ME from goin' crazy!! It means SO much to me as a younger mom when older women show interest in my children, or in my life. Again, I hope I will be that kind of person - one who doesn't easily forget what it's like. One who isn't too wrapped up in herself to be interested in other people. I'm glad for you tonight that you have a song in your heart! I'm glad to have gotten to know you a little bit!
Thanks Mari! Its so good to be reminded of that! Also can't wait to see Pastor Paul too!
Very interesting that you posted lyrics. This morning I got an idea for a weekly post that I hope turn into a great blessing for people.. and a lot of fun too.
I havent got the post written yet so stop by later and check it out
That song means so much to me too and whenever we sing it, I get tears in my eyes. I remember when my mom was in the hospital and my dad said to me one night when we stayed overnight "Whatever happens, I just want it to be to God's Glory". 19 days later she was gone and 19 months later he was gone too (3 years already since he's died). I miss them sometimes more than I can say but I know that through those losses, I can still bring God glory. They were huge inspirations to me and I will continue to tell others about my awesome God! "Blessed be the name of the Lord"!
This is my favorite song, I love it.
Great song, glad Heather is well. you are awesome Mari, keep encouraging others:)
If there is one thing I am learning in my life, it's that praise brings about a relationship with the Lord like non other.
Even in the midst of the storm I will praise Him!
I love that song. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy such a great worship experience while singing it!!
It's funny that you posted the lyrics to that song today.
My husband sang it with his work this week...they were dedicating a new warehouse that they'll be using. He came home that night, and told me that the words to that song really struck him this time.
He was talking about how it's so easy to praise Him when things are good, but how important it is to do say 'Blessed Be Your Name' when the road is marked with suffering.
Then I wander over here, and see the lyrics again. Thanks for continuing to speak to my heart!
I often stop and think about, for all the controversy it can inspire, music is one of God's most amazing creations. I mean, all it is is the spoken word, artfully arranged and spoken in a slightly different way, yet the impact music can have on us is so dramatic and complex. There's more to it than that, and the more, I think, is God, living in the words and the melodies.
That is one of my very favorite songs- It's so powerful in the good times and the bad.
I think it's one of those songs that gets right down to it- God deserves our praise every day, every hour, every minute!
I have an award for you - see post of Monday 12th Nov 'Ray of Sunshine'
I'm glad that Heather is doing well and that prayers have been answered. The song is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.
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