I have another website for you to visit if you want to play around with some pictures. This site will take your picture and make you into a Simpsons character. It takes a few minutes to run it, but it's fun to see the results.

This is what they say Bob and I would look like as Simpsons. What do you think?
If you want to make your own character, go to this site:
That's too funny! I'll have to give it a shot.
Very funny!
Precious blessings!
Oh my GOOOOOOOOODNESS this is HILARIOUS! I'm scared to try though! hahaha Love it!
I don't think I can ever look at Bob the same way again! To Funny!!! Maybe I'll give it a try.
Oh. My. Goodness. I am laughing so hard right now! I think that fits you both perfectly!!! I cannot wait to show this to Aaron. He is going to love it!
Sorry Mari- I'm going to pass on this one- you know I can't stand the Simpsons
that sounds like fun. I will have to check it out
Marie, I stumbled upon your blog, what a blessing. I can't wait to 'Simpsonize' my hubby and I. He LOVES that show.
I will be back!
In Him, Joanne
OH my Gosh!!! You are a hoot, how do you find these web pages???
I'm not a fan of the simpsons and can't imagine you or Bob as that type but it is funny, makes for a good laugh LOL
That's hillarious!
What are you doing? That's right, I forgot you like the Simpson's. Not me - I've outgrown them. Guess I'm the mature sister. I'll take the Veggies!!
Funny---what a hoot. I think you look great!
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