
Monday, December 2, 2024

Special Day!

Last week we went to Andrew and Heather's church to see Connor dedicated.

Here's Connor beforehand, wearing suspenders and a bow tie.

Cassie sitting with Grandpa before church started,

Connor was crying up there and ended up getting handed back to Heather.  :)

Heather, Andrew, Cassie and Connor after church.

It happened to be my birthday that day, so we went out for lunch after church.

After fussing and crying in church, Connor was full of smiles at the restaurant.

It was a great way to spend my birthday; seeing my grandson dedicated!


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Cassie looks like an angel. I’ve seen that happen at church when the children act up, cry or won’t cooperate. It’s amusing for the audience as if to say, “been there”

Conner is how old now? He’s a big baby boy and so cute! Those legs! Reminds me of Navy. He was a chunk with tree trunks for legs. By the time he was 4, he was skinny. Running around, playing soccer. Conner looks so handsome in his suspenders and bow tie. Too cute.

Happy Birthday 🎈🎉🎂

Jan said...

Such a sweet time. He's a handsome little man! We've been fortunate enough to see several of our grands' dedication ceremonies.

Ginny Hartzler said...

He looks so cute in those suspenders! What a great day. And I can already see that he is beginning to look a bit like Cassie.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! What a special birthday seeing that precious grandson of yours dedicated to the Lord! He looks so handsome and I love the picture of your daughter and her family. Wow, there is quite a family resemblance. Your daughter looks just like a younger version of you and you are both beautiful! I hope you have a great week!

Mandy said...

He is so precious in his little suspenders and bow tie! What a special day!

R's Rue said...

Such beautiful memories.

Changes in the wind said...

Great pictures of a beautiful family....

Jeanette said...

Connor and Cassie are so cute! I love the bubbles on Connors mouth in the last picture! Happy Belated Birthday!

16 blessings'mom said...

Well Happy Birthday! Typical mom/grandma: "It HAPPENED to be my birthday...", when all else is said and done, putting everyone else first. It's a beautiful thing to have family though, those grandchildren are beautiful. I'm glad you had a nice day with them. :)

Miss Merry said...

Such a lovely family!!!!!

Catherine said...

First of all a belated Happy Birthday and what a beautiful day with Connor!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

First of all Happy Birthday my lovely wonderful Friend!! And yes, what a blessing of a day seeing that sweet grandson of yours dedicated. They are such a beautiful family!! Wishing you all so many blessings. xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

Your grandson and his sister look so much alike - you can tell they are 'cute' siblings. Beautiful day when a baby gets dedicated. I am so glad. All babies cry don't they? lol

photowannabe said...

Oh Mari, what a special day for you and the entire family. That outfit of Connor's is adorable and the closeup of Cassie is a prize winner. Happy birthday last Sunday...
I actually giggled out loud when I saw the restaurant photo of Conner. What a cutie pie.

Terri D said...

I can't think of a better way to spend your birthday! Connor looks like Cassie in that last photo!! Both are so adorable. Thanks for sharing this special celebration!

Barbara said...

Yes, truly, what a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday: to see your family leaning into the Lord like this with promises to continue. You have a beautiful family.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a wonderful way to spend your birthday.
I enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful photographs here.
A very special day.

All the best Jan

Dianna said...

Such wonderful pictures, Mari. You can definitely tell that Cassie and Connor are brother and sister....I think it must be their beautiful eyes. Such a wonderful birthday gift from the Lord

HappyK said...

Conner looked so cute in his outfit!!
Happy Birthday!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

They are both beautiful children.
Love that last picture of Connor. He's too cute.

Jenny the Pirate said...

These pictures are precious! Heather looks great and I cannot believe how big my Cassie has grown. And that Connor! What a little heartbreaker! Andrew is a fortunate man and I'm sure he knows it. Congratulations to all and yes what a happy birthday for you! xoxo

Pam said...

How adorable. He is a handsome fellow

Shug said...

Connor and Cassie are both adorable. So precious!! I know you enjoyed spending time with both of them...Love the snow picture....a gorgeous Winter scene

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that dip looks festive and delish. Connor and his sister are adorable and I am betting he was scared and wanted mama, at the restaurant he knew all of you... so sweet..

Kim said...

What a sweet way to spend your birthday!

Jean said...

Such CUTE kids!!!! I just love those last two pictures!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am just now seeing this post, and it is so precious! I love that you were able to be there for Connor's dedication, and also that it was your birthday! That will make it easy to remember when he was dedicated to the Lord, and when everyone gathered round to commit to praying for him and bringing him up in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord." I love this. And Cassie looks so sweet too. She's a good big sister! What a happy day!