
Monday, May 27, 2024

Button Dolls

We made a fun craft when the girls were here last week end.  I saw something a while back about kids making button dolls years ago.  When I saw something that gave a layout of how to do it, I knew this would be a fun thing to do with them.  I gathered buttons, beads, a wooden bead for a head and dental floss to hold them all together.

We spread everything out on the table and the girls started choosing the buttons.

To start they had to gather 9 medium buttons for each leg.

Alaina has her legs done and is starting on big buttons for the body.

Then they had to choose 9 small buttons for each arm.

Ruby has her arms on and is adding 2 tiny buttons for a neck, then a wooden bead for a head, and some fun buttons on top for a hat.

Rubys doll is blue and green

And Alaina chose pinks and oranges.

Here they all are - I did one for Cassie.  They took a lot of thinking and planning but were fun and turned out cute!


Debi said...

What a fun project! They turned out really cute.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are adorable! And the girls have a really good choice of colors as well. They look so intently concentrating.

Jo Rashi said...

Wow..these look so cute :-)
Fine Art and You

roentare said...

These figurines look very cute

Donna said...

You are SO crafty! Aren't these adorable?!!

Suemn said...

They are adorable... both of the girls and the craft dolls:)

Sandi said...

Oh, sweet!

Jeanette said...

Those aer super cute!

Dianna said...

Mari, those are absolutely adorable! I wish I had known about them when our grandgirlies were younger. We did do a a "button" project when they were around 8 or 9. I had my grandmother's button collection and I bought a canvas for each one and they painted it and drew the outline of a butterfly on it. Then they used the buttons to fill in the butterfly. The girls were impressed to have something they made with buttons of their great great grandmother.

Changes in the wind said...

So cute and what fun.

Susan said...

Those button dolls are so cute! I have lots of buttons. I use them for crafting. Thanks for sharing!

Sparky said...

That's adorable! Now I want to make one. I've got a kazillion buttons. What a great idea! 💙

Happy@Home said...

They turned out so cute!
I am impressed with the variety of ways you come up with to make your time with the grandgirlies fun and memorable.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

What an adorable project! The dolly and fashion loving little girl in me is jumping up and down in delight with the girls. You find the most fun crafts!! :) Love it 💗

DUTA said...

Buttons are good stuff for all kinds of crafts. It's worth collecting them, and introducing kids to work with them in various projects. Success assured.

Barbara said...

Sooo cute! What a great idea to do with grandchildren!

HappyK said...

Wow they turned out fantastic. What a great idea!!!

Terri D said...

What a fun craft!! I'm thinking red and green for Christmas decorations! The girls are so cute and I'm sure Cassie loved hers!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a great idea.
They do look good.

All the best Jan

Kim said...

They are just adorable!! I have an old Christmas angel ornament and her legs are buttons. I often thought of making one of mine, but couldn't really put the how to together in my head. Thanks for sharing and taking the guesswork out of the process! Off to pin it!!

Mandy said...

Very cute indeed! I always love to see what y’all come up with next!

Jean said...

That is just adorable!! I'm curious about the hands and feet. They were a different kind of button, right? I see something on the plate in front of Ruby.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

How cute.
You always find such fun crafts for them to do.

Catherine said...

Very, very nice idea! It looks great

Jenny the Pirate said...

As with all of your craft projects with the girlies, these are clever and cute and so adorable! xoxo