We planted a Maple tree in our back yard quite a few years ago. It's now become big enough to be a wonderful shade tree, and it's also made our yard a happy place for birds. We get lots of robins, finches and cardinals, but we've also been seeing some more unusual birds that I wanted to share with you.

This is an indigo bunting. They are such a beautiful blue color!

Here is an indigo bunting (R) and downy woodpecker (L), sharing the feeder.

We have a pair of bluebirds that must have a nest near our yard as we see them quite frequently.

Another shot of the indigo bunting.

I thought this was pretty funny. It looks like the bunting is checking out the fake bird attached to our birdbath.
"So God created the large sea animals. He created all the many living things in the sea and every kind of bird that flies in the air. And God saw that this was good."
Genesis 1:21
I'm a bit of a secret bird watcher myself and would love to have these beautiful birds in my garden. We do get woodpeckers but rarely anything else that's that unusual.
My Jeff would be so jealous of those beautiful birds.
Beautiful birds and great photos! I've been thinking about putting out a couple of feeders. We have all kinds of unusual birds, here in Florida, but I don't know the names of many. It is not unusual for a big blue heron to walk through our yard, and the ibis come in flocks to eat bugs from the ground, all through our neighborhood. We also see egrets frequently. Of course, these are all big and tend to be on the ground, rather than in the trees. I wonder what beauty we might attrack if we put out a feeder or two?! I enjoyed your post!
Buntings and Bluebirds...both on my favorite list..and I don't have either in my yard! :( I'm jealous! ha.
Halle would love watching your back yard. However she (and the rest of us) is quite occupied watching a mom and dad Eastern Blue bird that made a nest out of our bird feeder right on our deck. We'll have 3 baby birds soon!
Love the pics of the birds...you have a good eye. We are bird watchers too, and cant wait every spring to get the feeders out, and the hummingbird feeders filled. The only problem is they eat faster than I can fill! have a great week.
Great photos of the birds. I really like that last one.
I have put up a water but have not seen any birds on it yet. I enjoy watching them.
what gorgeous colors!!
What a lovely post! Thanks for sharing your great photos with us :)
I'm a huge bird and wildlife lover. My favorite where we live are the mourning doves that come at twilight. Other than your typical sparrows and finches, your indigo bunting looks amazing.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
You do have quite the variety! We have a LOTTTT of doves here. I hate them. About once a year I catch a cardinal in the back yard. They are my favorite.
Charming, charming, charming. That Indigo Bunting is such a pretty bird and I had to look twice at that last picture!
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